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Everything posted by LupineMama

  1. I had a couple family Christmas dinners where there wasn't many carnivore options and I hadn't planned ahead so I had potatoes, spring rolls with some meat and meat pie with crust. This was the 25th, 27th and Jan 1 dinners. I immediately went back to eating carnivore after every "cheat" meals. I felt symptoms like bloating and gas but after eating meat the next day I felt my body had readapted quickly. That could be, I will have to give it a couple weeks and check again. I was hoping I would be pregnant that way it's a simple answer to all my concerns. I am looking forward to a carnivore pregnancy. Wondering how it will be different than my high carb SAD pregnancies. I will pay more attention to my fat consumption, sometimes I don't think of fat when I think of cheese and dairy products so maybe I had more dairy on those days but didn't notice. Maybe cutting out dairy again could help me overall. I want to give it a fair shot to really heal and feel better. I had a goal to make it to 3 months without "cheating" as much as I can and then reassess if I want to reintroduce foods. I realize I don't really, most of the cravings have passed and I don't feel great if I eat other foods. But it can feel boring sometimes so the idea of having more options is appealing. I just have to push through on those hard days. Thank your for your reply. I appreciate your advice. It feels great to be able to share here openly. I realize I have to really tune into my body and listen.
  2. Thank you for your reply. Yes I am thrilled my baby boy is doing so well. I intend to raise him carnivore to give him a great start. My other son is almost two and I am slowly transitioning him to carnivore. He loves meat, eggs and especially liver pate but still wants to eat his favorite foods like grapes and bread, so I just limit those. When he was starting to eat around 8 months he would get constipated and had such a hard time passing stools. It was awful watching him cry and struggle. I didn't know better back then and thought he needed more fiber. Now it all makes sense!!!! Real nutrient dense food and fat, So simple but there I was stressing making sure he's eating a variety of foods. Such a revelation for me, thought I would share. My stools had regulated and seemed like the perfect carnivore poops lol, condensed, not loose, easy to pass, every couple days. So the diarrhea really threw me off. Maybe I ate too much fat without realizing it. When I think of fat I first think of grease and butter, I don't think of milk and cheese as high fat. Maybe I've been eating more cheese of milk than usual and didn't notice. I will have to track more closely. Maybe cutting out dairy again could help. I will push through these hard times and listen to my body to adjust what it needs. I find it difficult to pinpoint the food triggers. Do you eat the same thing everyday or eat lots of variety?
  3. Hello everyone, I am seeking help/advice/encouragement for how to keep going with my carnivore journey, as I feel alone and overwhelmed. I am exclusively breastfeeding as well. I had a baby in June 2024, after a couple months I noticed I didn't feel as good as during my pregnancy. After doing some research I learnt that during pregnancy your body can suppress certain autoimmune disorders, which can make you feel better and then once you are postpartum the symptoms can come back and hit you hard. I don't have diagnosed autoimmune disorders but I related with this. I felt good during pregnancy and then postpartum I started experiencing fatigue, inflammation, brain fog, joint pain, and overall body heaviness, it's hard to explain that feeling, it felt like I had to drag myself around. I removed 95% carbs and sugar on Sept 1, 2024. I still had a dash of raw honey/pure maple syrup in my coffees. And probably a couple meals that had carbs. I stuck to it for one month. Then October 5, 2024 I decided to jump into eating carnivore. It was good the first week, I noticed I had a bit more energy. The following few weeks were very hard, especially mentally, I had to push myself to keep going, I was averse to eating the meat, I felt like giving up so many times. Previously I was used to eating lots throughout the day, lots of carbs, fruit and dairy. If I didn't eat I would feel like I was starving. So this was a tough adaptation period, trying to figure out if I was eating enough and enough fat. The weight started to come off quickly, I lost 25 pounds in about 2 months. I started feeling less inflammation, no more bloating/gas/burps, my milk supply increased and bowels were consistent and normal which all felt amazing. But still symptoms like joint pain and fatigue reoccur, I understand that can take time to heal the years of damage. I did really well with sticking to only animal products, only a few cheat meals and I would notice bloating right away. I was eating eggs, mostly beef, pork, and once in a while chicken and dairy. My baby was getting acne on his face so i decided to quit drinking coffee and dairy. The acne went away and I reintroduced some dairy mostly cheese and it has not bothered him. I finally started to feel adapted, enjoying the taste of meat again, eating more and feeling satiated longer. A typical day of eating would be: Breakfast: 7-8 scrambled eggs and 10 strips of bacon or pack of pork sausages Lunch: usually not that hungry, I will eat some cheese and maybe leftover cooked chicken shred with butter or farmers sausage, sometimes I don't eat midday Dinner: 1lb of ground beef or a steak both cooked in butter Currently It's been 3 months eating carnivore and the last couple weeks I am struggling...I am experiencing fatigue more than usual, that body heaviness feeling i mentioned earlier, sometimes woozy/dizzy, gassier, and in the evenings I've been having diarrhea. I haven't really changed much in my diet, aside from having a bit of non carnivore foods during the holidays, like potatoes and meat pie, the tiniest bites of chocolate and a couple sips of my husbands coffee. My baby is thriving, happy and healthy fat, my milk supply is still good. I thought potentially I could be pregnant as some of the symptoms align but the tests have been negative. I have seen and felt the benefits of this way of eating but with these symptoms coming at me hard when I felt I had progressed it feels really hard to keep going fully carnivore. Some days are more difficult than others and as a busy mom I want to thrive and have the energy to fully take care of my children. So I guess here are some of my questions... -Could it be the non carnivore foods that I ate affecting me still? -Could I be eating too much fat, even though I haven't increased my intake? -Could drinking too much water cause the diarrhea? -Should I try ketogenic or ketovore instead? -Is it normal to have these periods of setbacks and I just have to push through? -How do you know how much to eat, especially if breastfeeding? I appreciate your time and any advice. Please feel free to ask if you need more details. Thank you!!
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