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    Welcome to Carnivore Talk! An online community of people who have discovered the benefits of an carnviore-centric ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight, optimizing their health, and supporting and encouraging one another. We warmly welcome you! [Read More]

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    • I watched you video today. I’m glad your transition is going well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • No pic but smoked brisket and ribs today and I cooked up a pound of liverwurst today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • You won’t regret it. They are very useful. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • Great testimony Nowler, even the shortcomings. They are lessons to learn and your attitude shows that you are learning from them and not feeling defeated. Good on you sir. As I like to say “Wisdom is born of scars.” So lesson learned, bring your own food or fast. Eat the toppings on the pizza not the dough and always as if the ribs will be slathered is sauce and request it baked. Your upbeat attitude about looking for a job is inspiring as well. I hope you find something you love. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • UPDATE After weighing myself yesterday I was down to 367 lbs (down 43lbs since April). I still feel great, and have been noticing a certain confidence. Before I was feeling mentally and emotionally weak/fragile, but now I notice almost a swagger. I am as strong as ever in terms of my diet too... I dont care about takeaways etc! I took my niece out 2 weekends ago and we ended up going to the cinema where I had popcorn. For me I would often say that I need to have popcorn while at the movies - it's the ways it's always been for me and I love the experience, but now I think I am going to bring some of those beautiful fatty Droewors with me in future and munch on those instead! Keto snack! Being honest, I did eat 1.5 small slices of my nieces pizza as it was too big for her, but it didnt taste nice to me. I ordered a full rack of ribs but it was only when it hit the table that I saw it was swimming in BBQ sauce, which I reckon was full of sugar. I still ate it, but it took me 3 days to feel on top of the world again. I did wonder at the time while I kind of panicked when ordering and didnt take the time to read it correctly. Oh well... what's done is done and apart from feeling a bit off for 1-2 days it wasnt too bad. I've been thrust into the job market recently due to being made redundant (yay for redundancy money!) but I am not worried or feeling anything negative about it all really... Sure, I need to get back to work soon as money will run out, but there's a strange air of confidence in me that I have not felt since I was in my 20's, and I believe it's all nutri-bio-psych based (starting with my diet)! The carnivore/keto diet has me running much smoother and I'm losing weight. I'm being forced to leave the house more also, in part due to looking for work but also because I am getting a few long overdue things looked at before the medical insurance from my previous job runs out at the end of December. Having left a 5 year role in a private pensions company, I applied for a general role in a small bank. The first stage of having "a causal chat" when great. So great that they asked me to have a chat with another manager in a different area where they said that since they feel I might be "overqualified" for the initial role, I may be a better fit for a 6 month contract as a business analyst (much more money that my previous roles). I graduated from an internal business analyst role in my previous job, but that's it... so I am not confidant about landing this role. I had the interview for it today and it went good, but I reckon if someone with some actual day to day experience as a BA applies (which is likely) then they will beat me - which is fine, I'm just being realistic. Let's see what happens! Applications open up soon for a paid probation officer programme (slightly better pay than my previous role) in August, so I will definitely apply for that. The process for that will take about 6-7 months (expected to start in March), so it works well with the 6 month BA role if I get it. Life is good at the moment!  
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