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    Welcome to Carnivore Talk! An online community of people who have discovered the benefits of an carnviore-centric ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight, optimizing their health, and supporting and encouraging one another. We warmly welcome you! [Read More]

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    • That has been my cycle for years.  Sure, I had great success at times.  Two decades ago, I lost 65lbs on Adkins, only to return to carbs and Bourbon and shoot back up to 280lbs.  Then three times the past 8 years I have done Keto, was strict and lost a lot of weight... only to fall back off the wagon. My problem was short-term goals.  Short-term being defined as something around 3-4 months.  I was strict and lost a ton of weight leading up to my daughters wedding.  I was strict and lost a ton of weight leading up to an Enduro Motorcycle Race.  I was strict and lost a ton of weight prior to my wedding anniversary and a trip to Europe.  Once those events happened, I was straight back to sugar, carbs and Bourbon. I am only a few days in, but this time is different.  This year I turn 57 years old and I am highly motivated to straighten up and live a life the next 30 years of health and activity.  I am DONE with making awesome plans to go skiing or hiking or camping or over-landing or motorcycle riding..... only to get off work on Thursday afternoon and go straight to a bottle of Bourbon.  Then I wake up Friday morning with a massive hangover and from there my weekend is shot.  DONE WITH THAT!
    • Right now, the burning goal I have is to complete 90 days on Carnivore.  My goals are not weight loss or better health.... I am fixated on crossing the finish line at 90 days.  I don't plan for pure, strict Carnivore to be my long term nutrition plan.  After 90 days the wife and I plan to adjust to a Keto Diet, where we have 25 grams of carbs to enjoy a day.   Some might ask... if you get through 3 months of Carnivore, why in the heck would you slide off? Well, the #1 reason is my garden.  Eventually, I want to eat my home grown vegetables and the wife probably loves a great salad as much as anything, right after a prime grade Rib-eye.  Reason #2 is my raising....  I was born and raised on the Mexican Border and there are no circumstances where I will permanently give up Enchiladas and Chili Rellenos.  #3 will be controversial to many of you, but we will return to a very nice glass of wine once or twice a week.  (I am forever done with liquor.) In the long term, I know that many stay with Carnivore and just do a "cheat day" once a week or on occasion.  Joe Rogan was clear that he cheats one day a week and he liberally enjoys Bourbon and Pasta.  (Although he admits it makes him sick.) At the end of the day, I suppose everyone has to find their path.
    • Just eat the fatty meats. Stay away from the lean stuff. I add some butter on the side of some dishes, but that's it. Always get enough fat. 
    • The hormonal warfare on your system by weed and alcohol makes sugar look like a girl scout. The influx of estrogen has equally devastating effects as sugar.  
    • It's a perfectly, purely psychological reaction to change. Keep getting back up and learn every time a bit more. You did not throw anything away. If you've had 7 days of clean eating and then you fall off hard, you've still won 7 times. Normally you would've lost 8 times. Do not tell yourself you've thrown anything away. You've got that powerful thing called awareness of your actions.  When fighting addiction, you are fighting your former personality, habits, etc. A powerful foe. Get back in the ring and work on those jabs.  Do not worry yourself with motivation, that is but a fair-weather fan cheering for the winner. Focus on habits, the old grizzly coach in your corner no matter what.  You are a product of what you consume, who and what you surround yourself with. Ultimately that is where the change will happen.  It's not about motivation, nor about discipline. None of us are that super monk from the Burmese mountain tops.    Habits. Surroundings. Change of personality, the hardest part (Ask Carl Jung, rather read Carl Jung). An honorable mention, focus. All those things can be achieved without feeling "motivated". Do you feel motivated to shower? to brush your teeth? No one does. They do because it is a healthy habit we are taught by our parents. 
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