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Bob last won the day on November 30

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About Bob

  • Birthday November 10

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    Northeast Ohio
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    Mostly Carnivore
  • Start Date
    March 2023

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  1. That is impressive. It's strange thinking that it was up and running for around 900 years. Over here in the U.S. you have a company here and there that may have been around since the 1800's, but even that's rare.
  2. So for reference, back at the beginning, any small amount of carbs in the form of sugar (milk, processed food, fruit) would make me crave more. I didn't have this problem with keto-friendly vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprouts, etc. I started with keto and then transitioned into carnivore in May 2023. In October, my wife baked pumpkin bread and wanted me to just "taste" it to see what I thought (it was my mom's recipe). She knew I wouldn't have a whole slice, but I agreed to just one bite. I hadn't had sugar or grain in 5 months. After taking a bite, something came over me that I never felt before. I can only imagine it is the same feeling that a crack/heroin addict feels, because all of a sudden I was STARVING, CRAVING, and JONESING for MORE. I did not give in, but I went downstairs and at a bunch of meat and cheese trying to calm the appetite. It was unreal, surreal feeling. It was addiction. I still had it even being 5 months off the carbs. Today, I am over the addiction. I don't have this reaction anymore whenever I have just a "taste" of something. So the moral of the story is, yes, it takes time. But in time, you will conquer and rise above those cravings from your former life.
  3. Those are the exact same eggs that I get from Sam's too
  4. until

    We're every Monday at 8pm EST. The Calendar entry should display that in your time zone.
  5. until
    Zoom meeting for Carnivore Talk members
  6. Last night was Sirloin and Shrimp. Breakfast lately has been a 4-egg omelette with sausage, sour cream, and a few banana peppers for some zing.
  7. “For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the wholesome teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled.” (2 Timothy 4:3) Dietary ear tickling comes in catch phrases like... "There are no good and bad foods" and "Everything in moderation" and "Eat the rainbow", lol. I'm sure we can think of more, too.
  8. You did the egg-fast through most of November too, didn't you?
  9. until
    Zoom meeting for Carnivore Talk Members
  10. I've got a friend with MS and he's deteriorating rapidly. Can't work anymore and is waiting on disability. I would love for him to give carnivore a try. But you know us carnivore, we sound nuts,
  11. Yup, sums it up nicely. Big Food is not your friend.
  12. I pay for the monthly Pro membership tier that let's me join his zoom calls every Wednesday. You can actually talk with him face to face but you got to get on and raise your hand early because he is only on for an hour.
  13. Yes, and I wouldn't worry about this. Mine is over 100, but that is because I am stage 4 CKD so I don't excrete the wastes from protein breakdown very efficiently at all.
  14. Isn't Dr. Berry in Nashville? From what I understand, he only sees a few remaining patients that he had over the years, in their homes, since his social media took off. But he might have a colleague in the area.
  15. Truth makes people mad, whether it's truth in religion, or truth in diet & health. "Maintain your conduct fine among the nations, so that when they accuse you of being wrongdoers, they may be eyewitnesses of your fine works and, as a result, glorify God in the day of his inspection." - 1 Peter 2:12 "Maintain a good conscience, so that in whatever way you are spoken against, those who speak against you may be put to shame because of your good conduct as followers of Christ." - 1 Peter 3:16 In like manner, keep eating a proper human diet, so that when they speak against you and tell you that you are wrong, they may yet be amazed at your weight loss and good health (and may be put to shame and eventually glorify healthy eating at a later time).
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