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Miranda last won the day on October 26

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  1. No advice. Have you thought of clean fasting and then feasting on a variety of fatty meat?
  2. I just saw a short that indicated that "Annie's organic" actually contained the most micro plastics. I still buy organic cream because it doesn't contain carrageen. But most organic products are a scam.
  3. Echo chamber much? But so many of his peers are seeing behind the curtain. An are saying "the emperor has no clothes!" He can't see the obvious because he is unwilling to stick his neck out.
  4. I wish! No just a London broil today.
  5. Welcome, I'm so glad to meat you!
  6. Any type of sweet taste in a beverage will impact a fast because of the cephalic phase insulin response.
  7. That's why it's best to avoid any thing with too many ingredients.
  8. A photo from our October partridge hunt
  9. @Geezywhat is the process of taking the white fat and making it into a snack. How do you store it once it is crispy. I have made some bone broth and had about and inch of fat cap on it when it was chilled. I separated it because I don't like to drink the broth with the fat. What can I do with this fat, I hate to throw it out. Is there a way to make it clean so it doesn't have to broth residue on it. I wonder if I boil it in some water?
  10. Welcome, I am so glad you found us!
  11. Hah! My husband feels the same way. I can remember, back in the day, when my mom brought home that nasty blue skim milk. We were all kinda pissed about it, actually, but we got used to it I guess. I drink whole milk occasionally with dinner, but only in a small juice cup.
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