I just listened to Bob's Video - "Will Carnivore Heal My Kidneys Now?? " ... and I'm very pleased to hear a person that is dealing with Stage 4 CKD as I am... suggesting that there is hope for me and others with the Stage 4 situation to deal with. I'm an 85 year-old Carnivore for 112-days so far, and feel great! I was diagnosed with CHF about 10-months ago, before going Carnivore, and my cardiovascular is showing signs of slowly improving. No other health issues.
My situation is that my Nephrologist just told me a few days ago that my Blood Test shows PHOSPHORUS is up to 5.4 mg/dL and he wants me to start taking a med to "binder" (Sevelamer Carbonate) with all its side effects ... to lower the level back to 4.1 mg/dL or lower. Says 5.4 level is very BAD! While my other numbers are reasonable and not a problem. Anyone know how to lower PHOSPHORUS level while staying on Carnivore Lifestyle.
Being on Carnivore for 112 days, I'm not sure where all the Phosphorus is coming from... (probably the RibEye steaks?!?!) ... I do not know if 5.4 mg/dL is sooo Bad... That is why I have Signed up with your Carnivore Community... praying that I can find hope in the world of folks that may have dealt with this issue.