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    New Zealand
  • WOE
    Mostly Carnivore
  • Start Date
    Mid-November 2023

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  1. Hi all. I'm new here and somewhat new to carnivore. I've been experimenting with carnivore since early November after a few months on keto, with the hope of identifying and addressing ten years of worsening health problems (gastro, joint, skin, bowel, histamine problems, can't eat carbs without what looked like hypoglycemia even before keto, other weird malfunctions, etc). Currently looking like autoimmune or allergy-related but I am waiting on yet another specialist appointment. I can't take any form of magnesium pills as they give me stomach pain, but I have had success in holding off leg cramps by eating 30-40g of hemp hearts per day. I have also been having decent luck in reducing joint pain, tendonitis and some other factors by eating carnivore so far, though it's early days. I really notice that bringing back in any vegetables really gives me a flare up of various symptoms, though, so I'm sticking with it when and where I can. My question: obviously hemp hearts are a seed and will likely be limiting the benefits of carnivore, but there's not a lot of organ meat out there that will give me an equivalent 200-300mg of magnesium in a form that doesn't make my stomach do flips. Is it worth sticking with hemp hearts or is there a solution I'm not seeing? Where are you guys getting magnesium from, if you find you need it?
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