Hi Bob, thanks for responding...
On one day I had a hearty breakfast of about 6 streaky bacon rashers, 3 poached eggs (i like them that way)
3 standard size pork sausages, a bit of fried Chorizo for fun, and two small burgers as they needed using
due to sell by date.., and of course plenty of salt and butter... I thoroughly enjoyed the meal but then did not
want or feel like eating all day and all the next day.. my next meal was the following evening, i had an 8oz
rump steak, two (rather thin) lamb shoulder chops, and two salmon fillets (about 130g each), i made a blue
cheese, full fat milk and butter sauce in a pan to go with it... again great meal, but missed breakfast the next
day ended up making myself eat the following evening. One thing to note is that since i started carnivore
i have never had a lunch meal, only breakfast and evening meal. I am wondering if my meals are to large?
I have been following the advice to eat until really full hence quite a lot on the plate.