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Everything posted by drysideshooter

  1. Are there any other members who make their own sausage and grind their own meat? My wife and I have made our own sausage, loose and cased for a while. We like knowing exactly what is in our sausage, and eating the flesh from fewer total animals. We also grind all our own burger and cure and smoke our own bacon from pork bellies. Just curious if there are any fellow keto folks here that also roll their own?
  2. I suffered from gout attacks for years. For me, lack of hydration and inflammation seemed to be the key causes. I'm going full carnivore on Jan 1st after years of on/on Keto. Based on what I have read, carnivore and adequate hydration should keep folks prone to gout from ever having flare ups.
  3. Thank you Geezy. I haven't read that, but will look for it. The standard misinformation with regard to nutrition is mind boggling. So many examples of people that have thrived and healed by embracing carnivore.
  4. Recently finished Dr. Bakers book and feel like my eyes have really been opened. Did quite a bit of research on my own. I've been shocked at the lies and misinformation we have been subjected to for decades. Going to fully embrace the carnivore way of eating starting Jan 1st. So many that have shared their experiences have been inspirational.
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