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Everything posted by Sue

  1. Yes! Just about to post about indigestion and heartburn - lack of…. I no longer need my prescribed medication. I’ve suffered with the above for as long as I can remember and used to think the problem was fatty food!
  2. So good to read this thread. I’m only a few days into carnivore and I think I let myself get too hungry today. I didn’t think I could face my dinner of chicken and beef. It seemed so boring. I’m making myself eat it, and reading about all the benefits you folks have experienced is helping me feel more positive. Eating this way is so different that sometimes I wonder if I’m mad for doing it.
  3. What are keto friendly vegetables? I’ve read so many articles and watched lots of videos. I think I read that vegetables that grow above ground are all right to eat? I heard Jordan Peterson say he eats meat and greens.
  4. Thanks for the encouragement. It’s a big change. Wondering what to grow in my raised veggie beds now. Obviously not potatoes!
  5. Hi there, just starting out on the carnivore way of eating with my husband. Our motivation is to improve health after a life-time of eating ‘normally’ and living with various health issues. No-one we know is carnivore so I’m looking for like-minded folk to help us keep going when the carbs start calling.
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