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  1. Hello, 24 days ago, I changed from a SAD to a zero carb, Carnivore diet. Before starting Carnivore, my fasting glucose was typically between 250-350, and it is still in that range after 24 days with no carbs. I’ve watched dozens of hours of videos from Ken Berry, Anthony Chaffe, and others. I’m thinking that maybe my liver and pancreas are dumping fat, but would this triglycerides turn into glucose, which would keep my glucose high, or are they burned as ketones? I’m also concerned that maybe this means my eyelet beta cells in my pancreas are burned out and I’m not producing any insulin, which traps the glucose in the blood as insulin is needed to deliver glucose to the cells. I actually feel really good, even with the high glucose, so I’m continuing Carnivore knowing that no carbs is still better than what I was eating. I know my Type 2 was severely advanced, and that maybe it’ll take a couple of months to get my glucose levels to normal. I wanted to ask a community of people with more experience. Thanks in advance for the responses. It is concerning.
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