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Scott F.

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  1. Scott F.'s post in Eggs was marked as the answer   
    It varies for me. This morning, I ate 3 boiled eggs. A couple days ago I ate four in the morning and six later that day. 
    I am going to guess I average about 5 a day, or thereabouts.
  2. Scott F.'s post in Daily Exercise was marked as the answer   
    I had not been for a lot of years. As of late it is a pretty good upper body work out at Planet Fitness. Then I walk for about 3-4 miles on the walk I try to get in 50-75 pushups and 50-75 squats.
    I wish I could do it everyday and in time maybe I will. I work 12 hour rotating shifts that often end up being 13 hours or so. On the work days I come home and take of the animals and such. By then it is too late for me to workout. 
    Hopefully as work slows down I can get more regular with workouts. 
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