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Everything posted by Matan1262

  1. Hi all, I started a week ago, with ground beef 70/30 meat to fat, eggs, and Himalayan pink salt. I work out every day, do I need to consume electrolytes? if so how often and how much and which company? Should I eat organ meat like liver and fish like salmon? if so, how often? I appreciate any help you can provide.
  2. Hi all In my cauntry its really hard to get grass fed beef but I can find some, super expensive. Im currently eating 70/30 ground beef that is not grass fed, is it really that bad? Started the diet a week ago in hopes to cure sleep apnea and pain from car accident trauma
  3. Hi New to this diet, Any one has existing and delicious recipes? Currently im eating mostly 70/30 ground beef and I would love good recipes of cheap cuts of beef, how to slow cook and which cuts and so on. Recipes for fish like salmon is also good. Would love to get some of your great ideas
  4. Hi guys, 1. How long can rendered fat from the pan stay good in the refrigerator? Should I keep it in the freezer? 2. For how long can I keep ground beef in the refrigerator?
  5. Hi all, Did this diet helped you get rid of sleep apnea? If so how much time did it take and how did you find out? What was your diet approach? My sleep study indicated 32 stops per hour. Im young and lean. Im currently sleeping with dental appliance, not cpap. Ive a devided septum, i had an unsuccessful surgery almost a year ago and because of it I can breath only from one nostril, I understood from the internet and my doctor that a diveded septum should not impact sleep apnea is it true? Should I do anything in addition to the diet that can help?
  6. Hi, 24yo, 63kg, 1.74cm workout everyday. Im a week into the carnivore diet in hopes to Treat my sleep apnea and body pain, injury from a car accident years ago. Although I have a big appetite and eat a lot, since the transition i find it hard to eat more than 750g 70/30 ground beef and 4 eggs a day. Is it possible to add some fruits/vegetables? If so which can I? And should I cook them before? Will it hurt my process in terms of sleep apnea and pain? Do you have any recommendations how can I eat more meat? Thanks in advance?
  7. Amazing, i hope for similar results
  8. Would love tk hear some more experiences with health benefits you guys had when you transitioned to carnivore diet
  9. I will take that in mind thank. Did it help you with any of the above I wrote?
  10. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. I really hope to see similar results. So you eat only beef chicken fish and eggs? This is what im doing right now, most of what I eat is a high fat ground beef, but I would love to add a bit of things if it wont hurt the progress. Like vegs and fruits, olives and olive oil. Sushi that I will make once in a while will hurt? Without suger and bad stuff ofcurse Should I wait a month with just beef? What would you recommend?
  11. Hi I started my carnivore diet jurney 7 days ago. Im 24yo, weight 63kg, 1.74cm. I started this diet because of three main reasons: 1. Although im lean, workout everyday and eat healthy(at least I think so) I have severe sleep apnea. I saw some people that says this diet helps, anyone has a personal experience and can say it helped him? 2. I was involved in a car accident 6 years ago and since then im suffering from all sorts of pain around my body from the neck to my foot, it caused sacroelitiss, hernieted discs in the neck and lower back, cervical myelopathy and so forth... I tried numerous treatments during those years, and im streching everyday, nothing helped, and what gave a bit of relief disnt last more that a day or two. I understood that it can help with inflammation in the body. Do you guys have positive experiences from carnivore diet related to injuries ? 3. Lastly, I have flat warts for a few years, didnt manage to make them go away, did carnivore diet helped for someone regarding this? Would really appriciate to here some of your personal experiences
  12. Thanks for the info. Yes im lean but I have musle, I train almost 6 times a week, somw times twice a day, mostly calisthenics and climbing but I have occasional wheight workout, running and jump rope. I am grinding the beef at the bucher shop, its not store bought ground beef. Today I believe I got much better quality so maybe it will help me eat more. And I will try to add another meal during the day
  13. Hi I started my carnivore diet jurney 5 days ago. Im asking from my butcher to make me ground beef. I ask for 70/30 ratio. He told me the meat is chuck roast and the fat he uses is box fat which I never heard before(can someone explain?), he said its coming from the beef belly, i have a picture of it that I attached. 1. Im wondering if its a good ground beef mix for the carnicore diet and if this type of fat is good. 2. Im 24yo, weight 63kg, 1.74cm and I eat about 750g ground beef a day with 4 eggs splited to 2 meals and make sure to eat the ground beef with all the juices and rendered fat. I want to continue gain muslce but stay lean. im working out almost everyday, is it enoguh food? I just cant eat more ground beef then that, my body rejects it after 750g~ 3. Do I need to add anything else other than the ground beef, eggs, Himalayas pink salt and water? 4. Is 70/30 ratio good? Would really appriciate your help
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