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Everything posted by Joanna

  1. Just added another long walk, including about 5-7 15-20 second sprints. Total steps for the day, over 10,000.
  2. I definitely would count wrestling grandkids! Good for you physically, mentally and emotionally. And relationally!
  3. 40 minute walk to the library and back with a kinda heavy backpack. 9,000 steps.
  4. you could always do some squats and pushups in the house...?
  5. 10 minutes on the eliptical followed by 25 minutes on the strength training machines. Then lunch and a 20 minute walk with weighted vest.
  6. good advice!
  7. Thank you, that’s helpful. Especially hearing about Kelly Hogan.
  8. She said she's getting pudgier around the middle. She supplements with breast feeding but they're little carnivores! She was 139 pounds when she started, was 143 the other day, and is now 142. She's 5'4". She used to be slender, now she's at the very highest of what would be considered healthy for her height. Plus, she doesn't want to be "fat."
  9. My daughter is two months in on carnivore. She's eating to satiety, no dairy, just beef, butter, pork and eggs, she's working out, she feels good mentally and emotionally. BUT, she's gaining weight. And, she started out wanting to lose weight. At first it seemed like she was losing a little. But now she's been gaining. She's eating three meals a day (she's nursing her 20 month old twins and when she eats less or skips a meal she's hungry). She could lose 10-20 pounds and look good. Any suggestions??
  10. Ok, I'm in. I've been studying today - taking breaks to do jump squats, wall sits, planks and a few others.
  11. Brainstorming some potential themes for March: 1) Something you want to give up for the month of March, and how it's going. 2) Something you want to try adding in, and how it's going. 3) Working toward goals, like lowering A1C or some other type of blood marker changes, or longer/better sleep or working out or some other health goal Or - maybe you already thought of something and posted it and I missed it!
  12. I use xylitol gum and mints a lot. One, because I like them and that's my only "cheat" and two because I dance Argentine Tango a few times a week and I want my breath to smell fresh, and three because it's supposed to be good for teeth and gums. I use Spry brand that I get on Amazon.
  13. I can never figure out why I'm tired or why I have energy! Sometimes I think, for me, it's all emotional. Sounds like you accomplished a lot yesterday! That's a good feeling, huh!
  14. If you really want to win her over, maybe make HER steak and eggs and serve it to her. A man who can cook and nurture a woman is mighty attractive!
  15. I was just thinking that yesterday. Thanks for confirming that Bob.
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