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Everything posted by Joanna

  1. It gives me more understanding of why I’ve had such a hard time staying away from treats - until going carnivore.
  2. Makes me so sad for kids who get in trouble all the time and don’t have parents that know better. It’s not their fault!
  3. The crazy thing is that the sugar she was getting was from organic whole fruits, some gluten free bread and things like rice and oatmeal. We’re not even talking about processed junk with added sugar!!
  4. This is day 5 for my granddaughter. Today was amazing! She now loves the diet, is having fun learning new carnivore recipes, was very well behaved all day - I feel like I’m meeting a new child. Zero meltdowns today. My daughter and I are doing well also. I just feel like I’m eating too much so I’d like to fast for much of tomorrow.
  5. Yeah, I can’t wait to see what she’s like after she gets used to this! Then this evening she was pretending to make a YouTube video of making carnivore pancakes.
  6. This is taking some faith! I feel like being with my 7 year old granddaughter is like watching someone get off drugs. Right now she’s crying to her mom for blueberries. I’ve made her carnivore pancakes (two types), sausages, crepes, burger patties and more. She’s remembering times of going out with her dad for yummy treats - it’s a much more serious addiction than I had imagined. Her moods are all over the place. I hope it doesn’t last long!
  7. It’s making sense now!
  8. Thank you. This makes sense.
  9. Thank you both for your responses. It’s been less than a week on carnivore. She’s getting about 120 grams of protein a day and more fat than protein (as of a couple days ago). Her last blood test showed nowhere near pre diabetic but for about 2 or 3 months before this she was on a diet for her thyroid (which is kind of a sub clinical low) and this diet included a lot of orange juice and other sugars. Also white rice and potato. “Plenty of glucose for thyroid and brain” UGH!!! She said it was more sugar than she’s eaten in years!
  10. Hi. My adult daughter, her children and I have been going strict carnivore. We noticed my daughter getting very weak and shaky at times, in spite of getting plenty of calories from high quality meat and fat. She is not diabetic but I checked her blood sugar during these times and it was quite low - this morning it was 56. When she eats it goes back up, but she seems to need to eat many times a day. Has anyone heard of people curing hypoglycemia on carnivore diet? Any thoughts?
  11. She ate a lot today - venison patties, carnivore pancakes, carnivore deviled eggs, sausage, lots of butter - in stuff and by itself. Success!
  12. Thank you for the info on cream cheese - that’s super helpful. She was never a junk food eater. My daughter and her family have always eaten whole, organic foods. No refined sugar or processed foods or seed oils. It’s the fruit and even gluten free bread that makes my granddaughter go crazy. Today she is doing great - like a new child! Cooperative, sweet, loving. It’s kind of amazing! ----------------------------------------- Thank you. She’s doing soooo much better!!!
  13. It looks delicious, thank you! Unfortunately I think we’re all sensitive to dairy so for now we’ll have to hold off.
  14. This is turning out to be a bit more challenging than I had expected. My 7 year old granddaughter hates meet and is really strongly addicted to carbs! I’m also feeling kinda sick eating all this meet, and I’m committed to sticking with it. My daughter is also committed to sticking with it. The 19 year old twins seem fine with carnivore. I’m mostly concerned about the 7 year old. Since meet is all there is, she’s not eating much. She had a lot of chicken broth today.
  15. Ate 5 scrambled eggs in butter, about a pound of beef and a can of sardines today. Feeling kinda sick. Probably just ate too much! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My 7 year old granddaughter is strongly addicted to carbs. Her behavior can be pretty wild and super uncooperative - in spite of having intensely loving parents. My daughter has been trying to get her to eat only carnivore, but her dad and older brother eat fruit and veggies and grains, and it's been impossible to keep her away from that stuff. So...today I'm flying to Idaho and my daughter and I will be taking my granddaughter and the 19 month old twins to a house we're renting for a couple of weeks in Montana. It will be a carnivore only house while we're there! We'll all be going cold turkey to strict carnivore - beef, butter, bacon and eggs only. I found a great butcher about 10 minutes away from where we'll be staying. Wish us luck! Also curious to know if anyone knows about any kids being successful on this diet.
  16. So far today: chuck roast and carnivore bread made with eggs, pork rinds and butter. Totally exhausted! Yes, it was nice to meet you too.
  17. I really like this way of eating! I used to eat all day long. Now two or maybe three times a day and it's so delicious and satisfying! Today was chuck roast at 11:30 am. Then at around 5:30 pm burger stuffed with some goat cheese followed by two eggs cooked in chuck roast fat.
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