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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. 1 month almost done! Hope you are all doing well with Carnivore. Someone (way back in thread) mentioned having a little dark chocolate for bowel movement - it was a slippery slope and I have been having to many sneaky treats... Careful with that! Continuing in February with no chocolate...
  2. Hahahaha - obvious in hindsight, but hadn't heard them called that before. Was a surprise to be told at 40 that was the case though.
  3. Good day all, a few follow up questions. Yesterday everything was going great - felt like I was on the trajectory to goodness, this morning I woke with a splitting headache which was persistent through the morning. I had a decent amount of salt rigtht up until bed (pinch of celtic salt under my tongue at the end of the day) - lots of water (even a bit in the night when I woke) but it laid me out. Any ideas? Secondly this evening when I took my socks off I had swelling lines on my ankles - something I never have except after a flight... having just read about renal failure (and having something called a horseshoe kidney which makes it a little more of an issue) I found that a little disconcerting... Ronnie
  4. Hello again, Firstly - big thank you for the quick and helpful responses, all were over and above! In the past 2 days I have figured out my salt ratios for the most part, and today added Ghee for the first time (worked a treat). The Bowels have moved too! Someone mentioned Dark Chocolate as a fiber substitute - I had to resist, its a slippery slope and reckon a little treat could turn into a lot of treats pretty quick. I'm an all in or all out kinda guy. My first round of home made Beef Bone Broth will be ready later today so that'll have to do! Cheers and good luck to everyone
  5. Hi - just found this forum today, but its day 5 for me -> Planning on 60 days. Weight is not a focus for me, but instead keen on the health benefits around inflammation (I have a chronic sinus condition involving inflammation and polyps). Also interested to learn the impact of neuroinflammation to see if memory and general brain health could be improved. Day 5 is a rough one - woke this morning with a headache and dehydration despite drinking a lot of water yesterday and a pint in the night. Currently eating: Breakfast - 3 or 4 eggs + slices of pastrami cooked in (Pastrami runs out in 2 day and not getting more) around 10:30 Lunch - Large Steak (ribeye usually) and afterwards I have a small cup of beef broth around 1pm Dinner - Smaller steak around 5:30pm Have noticed: Serious cravings first 3 days (less now) Sleeping later (8am instead of 6:30) and then back to bed shattered by 9pm Night 4 (last night) - it felt like my tendons and joints were extra tight - some uncertainty on whether it is part of a beneficial detox/body change OR if I am missing something crucial and need to add in a supplement or change something up Mood stabilization - noticing less strong emotional surges -> ie irritation or frustration is less with people, as is thrill or excitement Also - biggest immediate concern is low occurrence of bowel movement - keen to sort that asap. Quite the journey at the moment, appreciate any insight based on what I have shared!
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