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Community Answers

  1. Bob's post in Can you spot the problem here? was marked as the answer   
    HA! I read right over that and it didn't even register, lol.
  2. Bob's post in Trying to find older posts was marked as the answer   
    You can visit your own profile and there is a button that says "All activity" or something like that. On mobile it looks like a newspaper icon.
  3. Bob's post in Profile information. was marked as the answer   
    There is a menu button on the top right. It's a hamburger menu button on mobile, and on PC it's a the little down arrow next to your picture and name. Go to Profile and then the Edit Profile button is actually in the masthead on your profile.
    Or you can click this link: https://carnivoretalk.com/profile/137-steven2023/edit/
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