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Everything posted by John

  1. I find cheese tricky. I currently include it in my diet, but I get tempted to overindulge. So for snacking I have to avoid mild cheeses and instead just have nibbles of blue cheese. Taste is so strong you don’t want to eat a lot!
  2. I have similar problems. Pretty sure I need to give up coffee, that is the only ingredient I am putting in to my body that is still irritating my insides. But such a tough thing to give up.
  3. I know what you mean Lou, I’m also in the UK. A lot of carnivore devotees in US recommend ‘chuck steak’ as a cheaper alternative to Ribeye. But I’m not familiar with that and cannot find it in supermarkets over here. Maybe it goes by a different name. My research so far not much help!
  4. Just one bite of flan! That’s proper will power. I have such a sweet tooth, and just done 3 weeks on Carnivore. One bite of cake too dangerous at this point.
  5. I love chicken and turkey legs. But duck legs are next level! If you ever get the chance you have to try them
  6. Duck legs. Roasted with salt and pepper. Amazing flavour, crispy skin. That’s the way to go!
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