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Lynn D

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  1. Gotta be animal, vegetable or mineral. https://www.honeybeesuite.com/are-bees-insects-or-animals/
  2. Hello Ruth, welcome aboard. It's wonderful the Carnivore way of eating is providing you such lovely benefits. As Bob said, milk and honey will kick you out of Ketosis, and can definitely halt weight loss (if weight loss is one of your goals). Regardless of the fact that it is an animal product, honey is straight up SUGAR (primarily glucose and fructose) with +/- 17 grams of carbs per tablespoon. Many dairy products are surprisingly high in carbs (fresh, "wet" items like milk, yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese and ricotta average 8 to 12 grams of carbohydrate per cup). When I eat carbs in any form I get puffy and squishy, head to toe. They also jack my blood sugar, and it takes hours to normalize. One day I hope to be metabolically healthy again... I love ghee, butter, cream, and full-fat cheeses like Brie, and they are basically zero carbohydrate foods - although I find them very easy to overeat. Without question I FEEL BETTER on a near-zero carb diet, but I also look better, if that matters to you. (It does matter a bit to me, oh vanity! ) Bob posted an excellent graphic, circles within circles, Keto to Lion Diet. I couldn't find it - maybe he can repost it here? Health to you. LynnD
  3. Hi Bob. Creatinine was 0.73 (reference range 0.57 to 1.00) so that seems fine. BUN of 25, ref. range 6 to 24; so it's "high" but not disastrously so. BUN/Creatinine Ratio of 34 is quite elevated (ref. range 9 to 23). My Dad's disease came with glomerulonephritis, and his Ratio was always high. We are only ten days into Carnivore WOE, and we plan to re-test every three months. In the meantime I'll try to contain my anxiety about the kidney and lipid panel results and concentrate on eating the Proper Human Diet. LynnD
  4. Hi Bob. Thank you for the response. This testing was done BEFORE we started carnivore. Although I was eating animal fat in the form of butter, cream and cheese, my Keto diet was plant-based, probably fairly low in protein. Also mostly OMAD, huge bowls of spinach salad with nuts for that one meal, and animal protein like eggs or meat almost as a condiment. That's why the kidney numbers worried me ; and LDL and total cholesterol - before even starting Carnivore!
  5. Hello All. We had bloodwork done before starting Carnivore (thanks again Bob for recommending Own Your Labs). Some items I have questions about: My BUN is 25, indicated as "High". BUN/Creatinine ratio is 34, "High". (These worry me because my Dad died of kidney failure from a wretched hereditary disease.) Total cholesterol 317, "High" LDL 208, "High" Triglycerides 91 HDL 95 VLDL 14 Again, this bloodwork was done prior to starting Carnivore (our diet was high-fat plant-based Keto, but with lots of butter, cream and cheese). Anyone out there well-versed in interpreting labs...?
  6. Hello Bob. I may have missed a prior post where you addressed this ... Did you figure out what was driving your triglycerides crazy high? LynnD
  7. Hi Geoff. May I ask - what are those "hidden carbs"? Trying to heal metabolic issues, and I'd like to avoid mistakes as I begin the Carnivore lifestyle. Thanks! LynnD
  8. Hi Dan. Bob responded beautifully to your post, but I have a couple things to add. Regarding magnesium supplement ... mag. sulfate causes diarrhea for sure! so check that. I have chronic insomnia, so I take mag. glycinate at night - evidently the best form for those with sleep issues. You say you "dove right in from day one". What was your diet prior to Carnivore? Is it possible you are experiencing Oxalate dumping? Sally K. Norton's book Toxic Super foods is a great resource on that topic. (There are so many equally good interviews with her on YouTube you may not need to buy the book.). I was vegetarian for years, and lived on spinach, sweet potatoes and nuts - ugh, massive Oxalate overload! Definite dumping symptoms over the past 1.5 years when I began fasting, but I had no idea until recently. Wishing you health. LynnD
  9. Hello Andre. Your English is just fine! Bob provided great tips, definitely follow those. The fact that you lost 17 pounds of water weight is amazing. Regardless of body composition, I'd guess that you look trimmer and your clothing fits better. I would like to know two things: what is your WEIGHT, and how are you determining your body fat percentage? Some methods are more precise than others... Keep at it; this is a health journey, not a sprint. LynnD
  10. Hey Bob - Just ordered this bundle for both of us. Really appreciate the info / suggestion.
  11. Thank you both for the support; thank you Bob for the guidance.
  12. Greetings. New here, and wasn't sure where to post this - hope it's OK. For a number of reasons, Hubby and I are planning to change our diet - from 2 years of Keto, to Carnivore. We are both age 56. He's in a weight loss stall and has mild hypertension. Over the past 3 years I have developed some health problems: intermittent cardiac and cognitive issues, and constant metabolic weirdness; fasting glucose often well north of 100 and HbA1C is 5.9. I'm not diabetic, and at 5'10" and 130lbs I do not need to lose weight. We are on no medications. We want to have bloodwork done before the switch, and intend to use Own Your Labs / LabCorp. (Our doctor dismissed my concerns and refused my request for a fasting insulin test). We'd sure appreciate a list of necessary / recommended tests to have run before we embark on Carnivore, and for tracking our health throughout. Thank you in advance, LynnD
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