Hello Ruth, welcome aboard. It's wonderful the Carnivore way of eating is providing you such lovely benefits.
As Bob said, milk and honey will kick you out of Ketosis, and can definitely halt weight loss (if weight loss is one of your goals). Regardless of the fact that it is an animal product, honey is straight up SUGAR (primarily glucose and fructose) with +/- 17 grams of carbs per tablespoon. Many dairy products are surprisingly high in carbs (fresh, "wet" items like milk, yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese and ricotta average 8 to 12 grams of carbohydrate per cup). When I eat carbs in any form I get puffy and squishy, head to toe. They also jack my blood sugar, and it takes hours to normalize. One day I hope to be metabolically healthy again...
I love ghee, butter, cream, and full-fat cheeses like Brie, and they are basically zero carbohydrate foods - although I find them very easy to overeat.
Without question I FEEL BETTER on a near-zero carb diet, but I also look better, if that matters to you. (It does matter a bit to me, oh vanity! )
Bob posted an excellent graphic, circles within circles, Keto to Lion Diet. I couldn't find it - maybe he can repost it here?
Health to you.