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Everything posted by Andre

  1. I have only ate meat, eggs and some bacon. I have not problem with my Thyroid. The Carnvire diet just did not work for me. I dont know why but after the initial water weight loss i have not lose much body fat. I am now around 22 %BF and have not lose any body fat for at lest 12 weeks
  2. I don't know if I can or should expect weight loss on a Keto diet since it allows for more types of foods than a Carnviore diet. In my 4+ months of eating meat and eggs, I only lost body fat in the first 6 weeks. In fact, I gained up to 1kg( 2,2) between weeks 10 to 13. This is why I fear that following a Keto diet and not counting calories will lead to a gain in body fat. If this experience has taught me anything, it's that there's nothing magical about eating fat and protein. At least not when you are a healthy person just looking to improve your body composition (lose fat and gain muscle) Thanks
  3. Counting Caloires is not a matter of likiing but a necessity. I have been eating to satiaty for more than 120 days and it did not led to better results taht people have by only staying on a Caloric defict.(there are people eating all types of food and by just staying on a caloric deficit were able to lose more body fat that i did, eating nothing but meat and eggs. Now that i will incoporete some carb into my diet i did think that it should require counting calories. Since the Carnivore Diet did not work for me, i have to considera the fact that eating until i am full also may not work.
  4. Hi Bob. I've been eating more fat, trying to increase my physical activity, and fasting longer. Nothing has really changed. (I stopped eating chicken, increased my fat intake, ate more red meat, especially fattier cuts like neck steak), but I'm still about 183 pounds and 20-22% body fat. In my first 6 weeks I lost 17 pounds (mostly water), I didn't lose any significant amount of weight. My measurements have been the same since week 7. As i also explain in many posts that i am a healthy individual and have not experienced most of the Carnivore benefits. My personal experience with this way of eating and my failure to improve my body composition led me to believe that the Carnivore diet is not sustanable for me. Too restrictive, not effecteve enoguh and very expensive. I am Brazilian and the best cuts of meat a very expensive for me. I will not be able to eat like this for much longer especially with no guarantee i will ever lose any mor weigth. I dont know what enogh fat means or how i shoudl calculate this number. Eating more fat did not led me to better results. I was wonder if i should start counting caloires again since i will have to incorporate carb. Thank you and good luck.
  5. I would like to ask for some advice on how to transition from a carnivore diet. I have been a Strick Carnivore for over 120 days. I lost 17 pounds in the first 6 weeks (mostly water), but after that, I was unable to lose any significant amount of weight. In fact, in the last 3 weeks I have gained 2.5 pounds. When I started the carnivore diet, I did so as a healthy individual with body recomposition goals. I don't have any health problems. I didn't experience most of the famous of the carnivore diet benefits such as great fat loss, muscle gain, better sleep, more energy, and so on. After 120 days of eating only meat and eggs (400-500g of Cocked meat plus 7-8 eggs per day) I have come to the conclusion that the Carnivorie diet will not allow me to lose the weight I still have (15-20lbs) and achieve my goal of having less than 15% body fat without having to starve or count every calorie I eat. 1 - So i would like to ask what can i incorporate to the Carnivore diet? 2-What are the food i could eat in a ketogentic diet? (How much carbs is allowed in a Ketognic diet?) 3- Should i expect any weight/fat gain? Thank you very much for the attetion.This may be my last post since i was not able to succced in the Carnivore diet. I Really thought this would work but i guess as most diets, this way of eating works great for some people, it is mediocre for others individuals and it doesnt for some folks. Good luck with your journey on the Carnivore Diet.
  6. Body recomposition is not something experience lifter can undergo easily. You can lose 10 lbs of fat and gain 2 lbs of muscle but you cannot lose 10 of fat and gain 10 lbs of muscle. A Narural lifter may be able to build 15-20 lbs of muscle mass in his best year of training. I dont think you understand how hard is to build muscle mass
  7. I am now 100 days in a Strick Carnivore diet(I only eat meats and eggs. Nothing more) I started the Carnivore diet to improve my body composition. I was a healthy guy with no chronic illness or healthy problems. I lost about 15 lbs in the first 6 weeks (Mostly water) but since then I haven't been able to change my body composition. I have now gone more than 6 weeks without registering any body changes (weight loss, decrease in BF% or measurements) I still need to lose at least another 15lbs of fat to reach my goal of being below 15%BF. However, I don't see how the Carnivora Diet will facilitate this process. I have not experienced most of the benefits common to Carnivores (Improved sleep, more energy/disposition, etc.) nor can I change my body composition. So I would like to ask more experienced Carnivores: 1- How long should I extend my experience with the Carnviroa diet to be able to lose the excess weight I still have? 2- What is the minimum time you should maintain a Carnivora diet when it is not working for you? Thank you for your attention Good luck to everyone
  8. Besides loing some weigth i have not experience most of the Carnivore diet benefits. However, i was healthy when i started the Carnivore diet. I guess it doest work for healty people or some people were not meant to eat only meat
  9. No. i have been training now for more than 3 years. Now experienced lifter will increase muscle mass while losing fat
  10. Hey, what's up guys! I need some advice on cuts of meat to eat on the carnivore (strick Carnivore diet) diet. I've been eating mostly red meat (chuck steak and neck steak. Those cuts fit my budget), chicken thighs, and whole eggs. I have been stuck in my fat loss for over 1 month. I was advised to eat about 70-75% of my calories/food from fat. However,i have been eating more or less a 1:1 fat to protein ration How can I add fat to leaner cuts of meat and how to measure the amount of fat I'm eating (I don't want to eat too much fat, increase my calorie intake too much and get fat. I need to lose at least 15 pounds of fat. Now it's more like 20 ) Does anyone know who to add fat to and how to measure it? Thanks
  11. I have at least 15 pounds of fat (not water or glycogen. I lsot 17 lbs but it was motly fat. My BF% did not change all that much.) to lose. When you start a Carnvore diet, you lose a lot of water, not fat. I have about 20% BF depending on how you massure body fat. Probably a little higher if you use a more effective device like a DEXA Scam. I don't think my body is saving for optimal health or body weight. This is a coping mechanism used to justify the lack of results. I will the 100 days as a Carnivore and extend another 30 days, but I will count calories and eat leaner cuts of meat even reducing my food intake. This will eventually lead to hunger. Just like any other diet. This is disappointing because I truly believed that the carnivore diet was not like any other diet. I guess Carnivore just dont work any you are healthy and just need to lose fat. Thanks Bob
  12. Yes, Bob. I lost 17 pounds in the first 6 weeks, but mostly water. My BF went from 22 to 20%. I stalled my fat loss for a little over 3 weeks and gained 2.5 pounds in the last five days or so. I started at 200 lbs + -23BF, I'm 183 cm tall and 34 years old. I train 2 to 3 times a week to not lose muscle and help improve fat loss. I have at least 12-15 pounds of fat to lose. I think most of the weight I lost was water and carbohydrates, as I haven't eaten carbs in 11 weeks. Maybe the carnivore diet won't work for fat loss if you're healthy. I eat the same things, the same amounts, but I don't count calories. Maybe CICO is necessary to lose fat. Thank you
  13. Thanks Bob, again. Well, I will continue as a Carnivore for at least 100 days. But after gaining some weight, I am very suspicious about the effects of the Carnivroe diet and even the very low carb diet in my case. (As someone who is a healthy individual trying to lose fat and build some muscle without feeling hungry or having to count every calorie...) I weighed 200 pounds when I started. I had roughly 20-25 pounds of fat to lose. My body recomposition has not improved since then. I lost 17 pounds in the first 6 weeks, but my body fat remains very similar (Strong evidence that I lost mostly water and maybe even some muscle mass) 3 months without losing weight seems to me to be a very clear sign of very unproductive fat loss. Perhaps Dr. KenBarry has this opinion because he actually deals with people who are 100 pounds overweight, not healthy individuals who only have 15-30 pounds to lose. I tried contacting Carnivore's channels, but no one has a clear answer. I guess I'm just the guy who can't benefit from a Carnivore Diet. I don't know how long I will extend my experience after 100 days as a Carnivore, but I can guarantee that I won't be a Carnivore for a whole year, eating only meat and eggs so I can't lose even 15 lbs ... This is a total failure Thank you again
  14. So far the only benefit i exerienced was less hunger and the 17bs i lost in the initial 6 weeks. i am now in the middle of week 11. Fat loss stalled, no improve in sleep, energor anithing else. However i was a healthy individual before starting the Carnivore diet. it has been more or less like any other diet
  15. Thanks BOB. I will complete the 100 day mark. I'm willing to extend it for another 30 days, but I don't know what to do to break the fat loss frame and I'm not willing to continue like this for the rest of the year, hoping the fat loss will just happen.
  16. No, that's not the case. What I'm not willing to do to treat a diet as if it is DOGMA or RELIGION. I am a healthy individual who started the Carnivore diet, as I explained in my post, to lose fat, build muscle without having to starve or count every calorie... I will be a Carnivore for life if Carnivore effectively produces the results that I am eager to achieve. However, if that doesn't happen, I won't do it. This is not a religion for me. It's a means to an end: improving my body composition without having to feel hungry or count every calorie. I posted to understand what I can do and how long I should wait to evaluate the effects of DEIT Carnivore . I was a healthy individual before Carnivore.( I shoudl just wait that one day i will lose the fat i still need to lose? For how long? Like some kind of God of CArnivores will grant me my wishis because i was a good boy and stay the course?. I dont get.) I Posted so i could learn what i can change or do to improve my results. Nothing takes care of themselves... This is an illusion. If you want something you better WORK FOR IT. Thanks
  17. Hey Bob, thanks for the reply again I go to the gym 2 to 3 times a week. I train to build muscle. I follow an exercise routine with free weights and machines... I try to walk and be more active too. But I don't understand how long I should keep doing the same thing without any results? I haven't experienced most of the benefits of Carnivre and I haven't lost fat in the last 3 weeks. I will complete the 100 days and I am willing to extend them. But not indefinitely. If the carnivore diet can't help me undergo body recomposition without having to count every calorie or get hungry, I won't be a carnivore for long. How long does it take for me to get a good idea about the effect of a carnivore diet? Thank you again
  18. Hi everyone, I need some more advice on the carnivore diet I'm now in the middle of week 10 of a strict carnivore diet. I eat 1-1.2 lbs of meat and 7-8 eggs. Divided into 2 meals, over a 4-5 hour window. When I started the carnivore diet, my goals were to lose fat (drop my BF% to less than 15% BF) without having to count every calories or feel hungry. I am a healthy individual with no chronic illnesses. Most people who thrive on the carnivore diet appear to have many health problems. This fact prevented me from starting the carnivore diet right away (I have been watching content on the subject for over 6 months). I also didn't experience many of the common carnivore diet benefits that are so well known, such as better sleep, more energy, better digestion, and so on...). I will complete the 100 days as a Carnivore. However, i dont know for how long i should insist with the diet, given my circumstances. Dr. Ken Berry recommends the Carnivore challenge that last 90 days. There is also the Carnivore month to incentivize people to start the Carnivore Diet. How long it takes to have a good idea of the Carnivore diet effectiveness? I am willing to extend my time as a Carnivore for a more time i just don't know for how long. Most of the people who experienced great results from this diet, are not in my situation.(Healthy person in pursuit of improving his body composition). Thank you very much again for your attetion
  19. Bob, thanks for addressing my post. I don't eat very often. I eat about 1800-2000 kcal a day. It's easy to keep track since I eat almost the same food every day. Nothing but some meat and eggs. I don't know how I can be eating little if I'm not losing weight. (I actually gained weight for the first time in my Carvniore experience) I eat 400-500g (1.0-1.2 lbs) of meat plus 7-8 eggs in a 4-5 hour window (I have been fasting at least 16-8 or 18-6 for more than a few years. I've never lost weight because of fasting.) Allow me to ask you a question about deadlines: I'm not even halfway through week 10 and I'm going to complete 100 days on the Carnivore Diet. I'm thinking about extending it for another 30 days, but I don't have a time frame, I need to evaluate the effectiveness of the carnivore diet. How long does it take to get a good idea if the Carnviore diet is for you? As a healthy person, I haven't experienced most of the benefits that the carnivore diet typically provides (better sleep, better digestion, more energy, and so on). I wanted to lose the excess weight I have, build some muscle without having to count all the calories or feel hungry. However, it seems to me that the carnivore diet is more or less like any other diet: it works great for some foxes, it's ok for others, and some people just fail. I have at least another 15 lbs of fat to lose i a have no idea if that is even possible, anymore. I saw people have great results and benefits from the Carnivore diet,but they were usualy not healhty individuals. Thank you PS: i am a subscribed of dr. Anthony Cheeffe, Dr.Ken Barry, Dr. Baker and other Carnivores(Like Jerome Armstrong and the Canivore muscle)
  20. I have a scale where I weigh all the food I eat in a day. My goal is to lose 12-15 pounds of fat to get below 15% body fat. I'm no longer around 20% AM (but I think I'm probably more around 22-23% based on not just my appearance)
  21. Thank you for responding my post. I have been following Carnivore content for more than 6 months. I understand the lifestyle aspect, but as someone who is healthy, I would like to use the Carnivora Diet to undergo body recomposition without having to starve or count calories. I'm halfway through week 10 as Carnivore. I've been eating the same thing since I started. My results are average (at best) and I experience practically none of the benefits that Carnivores generally experience (Energy gain, better sleep, improved digestive system, etc.) So I'm starting to question whether the Carnivora Diet is really efficient for a healthy person. And I'm going to complete at least 100 days as a Carnivore, and I'm thinking about extending that period, but I'm not committed to being a Carnivore for the rest of my life, based on the mediocre results I've had. (I don't see Dieting as some kind of religion or Dogma, If it works great, if not....) What would be the minimum period to have a clear idea about the efficiency of the Carnivora diet? Dr. Ken Barry speaks of 90 days minimum. But other than that I don't have a reference. I gained weight for the first time since I started. Something isn't right. I don't know what it is, maybe I won't be able to figure it out. That's why I signed up for the forum to get other perspectives. Thanks
  22. Hi LynnD, thanks for responding to my post. I weigh 182 pounds (I gained weight for the first time after 9+ weeks as a carnivore). To estimate my BF % I used two methods: 1- An online calculator that asks your weight, waste circumference and neck circumference. 2- A Sacle that calculates your BF%. My gym has one of these scales. However, more important than that is the fact that he was thinner. AS a Brazilian, I started playing football and practiced Jiu-Jitsu. I know I have at least 12-15 pounds to lose. Most of the weight I lost was water. It's normal since I follow a normal diet, where 50% of the foods were carbohydrates. I have been thinking about stopping this experiment after completing 100 days as a carnivore. I'm willing to extend it, but I don't know for how long. It seems to me that the carnivore diet is like any other diet: some people thrive on it , some people have mediocre results, and some people fail.
  23. First of all thank your for responding my post. I weight 182 lbs( i actually for the first time as a Carnivore, 1 lbs). I eat 2 meals in a window of 4-5 hours. I have been fasting for at least a couple of years. It did NOHTING to me. |I eat around 1-1,1 lbs of meat( Usualy red meat or Chiken) plus the 7-8 eggs in that window of time, divided in 2 meals. I've been thinking I would like to ask those more experienced about how much time is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Carnivora Diet? Dr. Ken Barry typically uses Carnavore's 90-day estimate. I've seen people use 100 days as a milestone, and there is Carnivore Month. How long does it take to come to a conclusion that the Carnivore diet is indeed effective? Because I'm starting to believe that the Carnivora Diet is like any other diet: Some have excellent results, some have mediocre results and others have almost no results at all. My case seems to be different from the vast majority of people who adopt this lifestyle. I don't have any illness (Thank God) and I simply had overweight to lose) I've seen people losing 40-50 lbs in 5-6 months, while I am now starting to gain even if I eat the same thing, every day) I'm going to complete the 90 days of the Carnivora Diet but I don't know how much longer I should extend it. I'm thinking about at least another 30 days but I'm increasingly skepitcal about it. PS: I have been subscribed to CArnivore channels for almost 6 months. Dr. Anthony Cheffe, Ken Barry, Dr. Baker, and others.
  24. Guys, i need some advice. First of all, forgive any grammar mistake, english is not my first language (I am from Sao Paulo, Brazil) I am on week 10 of strict Carnivore diet. (I eat 400-500g of meat and 7-8 eggs a day, divided in 2 meals a day). I am 34 years old, at 183 cms, +- 20%BF. I lost 17 lbs(mostly water. My body composition barely changed) in the first 6 weeks, but for the last couple of weeks my fat loss stalled. I go to the gym 2-3 times a week, to help with my body recomposition. I am healthy individual. I Dont know what to do. I will stick with the Carnivore diet, for at least 90-100 days (as it is recommend by most Carnivores) however, i may have to count caloires because eating by feel, it is not working for me. I started a carnivore diet for body recomposiontions goal. ( I am a healthy individual, with no chronic disease or health problems, that i know).I Tought with the Carnivore diet i could undergo a body recompostions without having to use the same tactics and face the same problems, i had with other diets (Like reducing food intake, getting hungry, Counting calories, losing weight in the beggining but eventually gaining most back Does anyone knows what could i do, in my situation? (I still need to lose at least 12-15 lbs,at least, to achive my goal of being under 15%BF). Also What is a good time frame to make a good jgdmanet about the Carnivore's diet ? Ken Barry uses 90 days as a time frame. Some people say that 100 days is the minimum amount of time and there is also the month of the Carnivore.(Janurary =31 days) How long does it take to get a good idea of whether a carnivore diet is really effective? (I am starting to think that the Carnivore diet, it is more or less just like anyother diet: It works for some people, and it doesnt for others) Thank you
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