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  1. Honestly the only way I can sustainably stay on the carnivore diet is to give myself a cheat weekend once every 60 - 90 days. Makes me look forward to earning those cheat days. Also I find that it helps me reset my ketones as after your body gets used to the carnivore diet your ketones don't flood your system as much as they do in the beginning days. It also gives me a reminder as to WHY I'm on this diet. Once I hit my body with those carbs my Gerd comes back, my body bloats up, my sleep apnea and snoring get worse, mentally I get more depressed, more anxious and self concious. I have a hard time getting out of bed. All the bad things basically. So it's a reminder that tells me "yep... that's why I'm on carnivore" So don't beat yourself up about it too much. Some of us crazy folk schedule those cheat days. Will it set you back a little? yes. Your progress will be slower than someone who just never has cheat days but if you want you can always push yourself longer to 90 days or 120 days. Sometimes when I feel a cheat weekend come on I feel bad about it and I just don't do it and keep going to 90+ days. One word of caution however. DO NOT go straight from carnivore to simple sugars. Have yourself a nice well rounded meal before hitting your system with sugars because it can go badly if you don't. One time I jumped straight from strict carnivore to eating a full pan of brownies one weekend and it resulted in severe constipation which impacted my bowels. So have a normal meal where you mix in healthy carbs first with some fiber so that you don't end up like me lol. You know add some broccoli and mashed potatoes to your steak first. I've never craved the taste of vegetables I until I was on carnivore so I take advantage of that and have those 1st now. Ramp in and ramp out. A "Cheat Weekend" typically lasts 5 days. 1 day to ramp in, 2 days of having whatever I want and 2 days ramping back down my carbs before going cold turkey. Anyway I hope that helps and I'm curious if anyone else does scheduled cheat days to reset their ketones. =)
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