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  1. HELP! Carnivore since Nov. 23. Doing Great. I thought... lrecent lab tests show my total cholesterol is 430! HDL @ 96 LDL @ 319 TRIGLYCERIDES @ 76 SHOULD I BE WORRIED?
  2. Hey Carnivores, I'm wondering what you're thoughts are as far as the upcoming beef shortage goes. I dread the thought of it, but want to be prepared. We just got our 1/2 beef, but know meat is going to become hard to find and buy in the coming months and years ahead.. I have some canned venison, considering canning some beef.
  3. Greetings from the Northwoods of Wisconsin. I've been Carnivore for almost 3 months now. ( I'm a 70 yr. old, active equestrian ) Never cheated once. Medical issues ( Blood pressure, thyroid, cholesterol) resolved or at least much improved. Feeling great. BUT... after losing 20 lbs, I have hit a wall and have not lost even 1 lb. In. 19 days. I'm hydrated, eat twice a day. On 8/16 daily fast. Was feeling dizzy and added a bite of fruit with my evening meal, which seems to (Blueberries or a strawberry.) I have ACV in the am. What is going on? What am I doing wrong? Feeling a little frustrated.
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