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Everything posted by OKay

  1. Breakfast - scrambled eggs fresh from our hens with sausage fried in ghee and sausage fat. Dinner tonight will be ribeye smothered in butter.
  2. Thanks for that information about why to post this daily. Nothing in the a.m., at noon I had fish fried in ghee with two eggs.
  3. My daughter (55) had her own small farm in Florida, raised rabbits, pigs, all the fowl one raises, gardened, and butchered all the meat for our family, plus sold a lot to very satisfied customers. She moved here with her nearly adult kids to my place in the northern Portugese mountains and, in addition to renovating the old ruin I bought for us here, has got a good organic garden up and growing, added five hens now keeping us in eggs, and will be adding more livestock once the house renovation is finally finished. We've been living rough while the work progresses (camping a bit hard on me at my age - 80 - but has been doable). I can get very good meat of all kinds at the local market, but am looking forward to when she is providing all the meat for the table once again.
  4. This is for Bob and I hope he finds it. I'm still very much learning my way around this site, not sure yet exactly how to reply to a post. Tongue is very easy to cook, Bob. Large pot, add tongue, bring to a boil and then simmer until tender. It varies with each one you cook, but it takes a few hours. Once it's tender, remove it to the sink and skin it. Just peel off the outer part of the tongue and let yours dogs or cats have it. (Mine love it). Your meat is then ready to slice and eat. The base of the tongue is the fattest and best part, but all of it is delicious. Enjoy!
  5. Looks delicious! Loved the pup in the background hoping for a handout!
  6. I saw a tip on a Carnivore video. Man cut some liver into small chunks and froze them individually. Then later he grated the liver while frozen and mixed the grated pieces into a pound of ground beef. I like liver fine cooked with plenty of bacon, but I liked his idea, too. So tonight I followed his suggestion, made patties out of the mixture and they're now in my freezer waiting for a burger day soon.
  7. Breakfast was eggs and shrimp scrambled and cooked in ghee. Dinner was slices of boiled beef tongue. Both were absolutely delicious.
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