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  1. May I ask why you're going to mostly eat eggs? Beef is really the prime source of nutrients our body needs.
  2. I am on the Lion diet (BEEF, SALT, (Redmond's) & ELECTROLYTES. Started with Dr Berry PHD (proper human diet) a year ago. Kept having issues with pork (histamine reaction: sneezed all day & runny nose the same day I ate it.) No more PORK bacon for me. Also had reactions to dairy,even butter, & eggs. I found a fantastic BEEF BACON at billydoemeats. com, they ship in dry ice. (Grass fed.) Their chuck eye steak (beef) is more tender than ribeye, 2-1/2" thick, and has a wonderful flavor. They also have goat, lamb & chicken leg+thigh. (Get the beef bacon!)
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