I´m new to this community and hope somebody could help me out with my problems I had so far with my carnivore journey.
As the title states I feel very sad and stressed out on carnivore, by that I mean eating only meat, cheese etc. maybe 10g carbs a day.
I have been diagonsed with MDD and anxiety disorder and take, therefore, sertraline 200mg + diazepam 10mg. Prior to carnivore
I was on a low carb diet with a max of 70-100g. I´m a 36 years old male and had gallbladder removel some years ago. I get especially said after a
meal. My theory is that the missing insulin favors the uptake of amino acids to the brain that promote catecholamines, but thats just a guess.
I have been doing carnivore for 1 month now. I have been trying to reduce the weight training to two times a week still I get more adapted to the
diet. Is cortisol the issue ? I read some studies that stated that cortisol normalizes after 8 weeks.
Thanks in advance