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  1. ok, sorry @Orweller I'm just tired of everything. of getting my hopes up because "hey, maybe THIS helps!" and I'm not expecting full recovery... just at least 10% improvement or even 5%. and I get... nothing. It's always nothing. over and over and over again. you can't do anything to help me though. maybe if I'm doing anything wrong with this diet... but this is the 5th time I'm doing keto/carni and I already corrected every mistake or thing that I was probably doing wrong. so... I will be do the full 3 months, just because I said I'll do it. but I don't expect anything.
  2. I basically answered before that I tried that stuff and was a waste of time... and the only thing you do is repeat the same shitty advice. take a hike.
  3. good yeah I love when people dismiss things I wrote. same as everyone. "get help" "do therapy"
  4. not on medication right now. but I was prescribed different medications 1 year ago and they destroyed the small slivers of life and peace that I had. I will do 90 days, no more. if I don't see enough benefit to keep going... would not make sense to continue. yeah I thought about doing 1 month only meat. if I have the patience will try it. maybe I'm allergic to dairy or eggs... there's some guy on reddit that stopped drinking dairy and his chronic anxiety disappeared. Bob... I've been trying to fix this for more than 15 years. Bloodwork is always fine, no sleep apnea or thyroid or whatever. physically I'm always fine. what happened then? did you get better? will do 90 days, haven't given up. but right now on week 6 and seeing 0 signs... ZERO? highly suspicious will tell you the same thing I said to Bob. More than 15 years trying to get better. nothing works. every year gets worse. gym/exercise does nothing. social/relationships do nothing. I never had debt. hobbies, meditation, yadda yadda. it's all the same. external forces don't make a difference, having a purpose neither. therapy neither. medication actually gave me chronic issues that I didn't had before. Even psilocybin didn't work. supplements. blahblah. The "cumulative effect" doesn't make any sense when everything is 0+0+0+0+0+0 my brain is extremely broken. didn't
  5. tell that to mikhaila peterson or the patients of chris palmer or georgia ede no trauma, good upbringing, no years of eating junk. I wouldn't exactly say genetics, but I'm sure that being born prematurely at 7 months fucked me over tell that to the hundreds of people reporting miracle cures from being in ketosis or removing their carbs. or people that found remission from epilepsy every treatment I did in my entire life I prepared for success. Never got any. I don't have to expect anything anymore, except more fails. There's no better path, there's nothing after this. if this doesn't work I'm done.
  6. you have less pain you have more energy you sleep better you wake up easier those are benefits. I have none so far. will give 3 months, but I already can see the futility of this
  7. hey, don't know if this is the right subforum, apologize in advance if it's not. I started carnivore on 1st June. I'm doing it for depression and other mental health conditions. (I'm not even fat) I'm doing high fat (86%), with a focus on high ketones, I'm averaging 3.5mmol ketones. I eat the same stuff every day, with very minor variations in the type of meat. I eat chuck meat, full fat cream, cheese, eggs, fat trimmings, ghee and butter. that's it. I'm trying this because nothing else has worked, and I really mean NOTHING else. so... the thing is... so far... nothing happened. not seeing benefits. nothing. I feel exactly the same as always. not worse, not better. nothing. like I'm not even doing a diet. yeah 1 month is nothing... but everyone I see that gets benefits sees them pretty soon... 1-2 weeks in. I will do 3 months max to evaluate. but I'm already prepared for another fail.
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