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The Hamburgler

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Everything posted by The Hamburgler

  1. Old habits are hard to break. That said... I can count on one hand how many cups of coffee I've had in my life. But, now I was thinking of giving it a try just to have some taste to the liquid I drink. 20 days ago I was a heavy iced tea drinker. Saccharine was my main sweetener with a half to full teaspoon of sugaradded to each 24oz cup. My dependency on that kept me from starting this diet since the beginning of the year, but I finally gave it up, and took the plunge.
  2. I'm sure using my hands to retrieve them from the display cabinet could of caused a bit of that, but hey... I've been living on the edge for 18 days now.
  3. I was attempting humor. lol I did same thing yesterday, and grabbed 2 more for someone else while at the store stocking up on fatty burger for $2.49 lb. I felt no guilt either time as I never intended on eating them. Rather proud of myself for not being bothered about "missing out".
  4. I need to brush up on the names of the hidden sugars you mentioned. Do you happen to know if there is a published list of them?
  5. Congrats on your ongoing success. I'm 16 days in and after about a week I noticed I'm sleeping better, and feel recharged afterwards.
  6. Almost 6 years ago I lost a little over 100 lbs. I did this eating the SAD, and what averaged at about 2300 calories per day . I was going to a place called Weight Management. In my mind this place was only used for support, and I needed it. My doctor there advised.... Try to eat at least 5 cups of fruits and vegetables a day, and he didn't care what else I ate as long as it was under 2500 calories. When I asked if I should switch from seed oils, artificial sweeteners, and 2% milk to lard, sugar, and whole milk. He shrugged his shoulders, scrunched up his nose, and shook his head no. In the end... the reason I stopped going there was because he was leaving, and I didn't care for the only other option left there. Thing was.... He had a new gig at the state college teaching others his messed up theory of nutrition.
  7. Just that...lol I picked up a few apple fritters from my favorite place today for my mother and my aunt. It's a decent size grocery, but when I pulled in there were only 4 or 5 cars in a parking lot that usually has 20+? Funny thing was... as I followed an older couple down the aisle towards the donuts I see a young guy turn the corner with a box full. We continue, and the older couple goes straight to the donuts, which leaves me as first in line. I chuckled a bit as I thought 4 or 5 cars in the parking lot of this large grocery store, and 3 of the occupants of the 4 or 5 are here for donuts!
  8. I was wondering about mustard myself. I saw where a few people talked on using it on carnivore as well as crystal hot sauce.
  9. I had my first ribeye today on day 10. Hard to believe how good it was frying it in a skillet.
  10. Looking back...I was feeling damn good on days 4 and 5 of strictly BBBE, and was pleasantly surprised I felt so well already. Yesterday ( day 6 ) I picked up a pork shoulder roast for some variety, and as a mini celebration of what turned out to be a 31+ hr fast by the time it was finished. I ate it from it twice in the evening about 2 hrs apart. Today I've felt like crap again with keto flu symptoms, and the trots are back. My take is... perhaps I was feeling that good so soon because I just ate BBBE? It seems like the pork brought me back to reality. I know everyone is different, but has anyone experienced this, or at least heard of this before?
  11. I appreciate the input everyone. There surely is a sea of info out there to wade thru, and yes it's a bit much sometimes. I'm at the end of day 5 now, and haven't ate anything since 10:30 this morning. I had a family emergency this evening, and spent the last 6 hrs in the hospital. So... no dinner for me, and with everything that's going on I wasn't hungry. Even though it wasn't planned, right or wrong..... I'm going to make this my first 24hr fast. That said... it really seems like things are moving fast. It seems ( fingers crossed) like the trots are over, or at least I haven't had a movement since yesterday morning. I have a salty taste in my mouth all day now? Today I wore a shirt that fit kinda tight a few weeks ago, and it was noticeably looser. I also tightened up the draw string on my favorite sweats to keep them up.
  12. I'm on day two, and my first 100% day. My plan today was to eat 2 meals within a 6 hr window, but I came across some info suggesting priming by massive overeating is the way to start. What's everyone's opinion of the proper starting method?
  13. Thanks. I thought it fitting because if I'm going to make it eating this way ground beef will have to be my mainstay. My way of eating was to eat what I was hungry for. lol Lots of meat, lots of bread ( seems everything was a sandwich) . I ate sweets when i wanted... everyday, and drank a gallon or more of iced tea with saccharine for sweetener and a teaspoon of sugar per 24oz glass. I switched from margarine and veg oil to salted sweet cream butter 8 months ago, and lard 3 months ago.
  14. Hi all, Today is my 2nd day, but first 100% day. I started the day thinking I'd be eating 2 meals in a 6 hr window, but after seeing priming mentioned as the way to transition I'm now wondering which approach is best? As a newbie, does size figure into a game plan to get started?
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