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Everything posted by Nebulous

  1. Do you think all children should study art at school? Should it be mandatory? What are the pros of cons of art class? Did you like your art teacher(s)?
  2. I saw thread about swearing on forums, but what about TV? Do you think they should lighten up on the censors? What words should be allowed and what shouldn't? Do you think after a certain time (maybe 10pm?) all words should be fair game?
  3. What are some of your favorite conspiracy theories? Do you believe them? Do you have any of your own? What is your opinion of conspiracies in general?
  4. Hi all, hope you're doing well. Don't forget to wear green a week from today As for my day, its going great!
  5. Some people use steroids to help build muscles. Is this a good idea? Why or why not?
  6. What fictional character would you like to become real and why?
  7. Has the weather in your area changed over the past decades? Does changing of weather patterns worry you? What does it mean if this happens?
  8. Do you think the Internet should be a human right? Why or why not?
  9. If time and money weren’t an issue, what’s one hobby you would pick up that you can’t right now?
  10. Hi everyone! Just wanted to pop in and check this place out. Glad to be here. Looking forward to chatting with everyone around the forum.
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