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  1. Geezy's post in Carnivore and Bird Flu in Cattle? was marked as the answer   
    I don’t believe it’s an issue. Viruses like that don’t permeate the meat to the best of my knowledge. They are a contact virus so even if there was some of the virus on the steak it would be no different than a pathogen being on the steak as it would be killed on the outside of the meat by the cooking process. This happens every day around the world. Anything on the outside dies. You’ve probably eaten thousands of dead pathogens in your life. When trichinosis was and issue in pork we had to cook it thoroughly because it did permeate the meat but that wasn’t a virus and since it’s no longer an issue in the US we can now cook our pork medium rare and it’s so much better that way.
    As long as you didn’t eat it raw then it would be no problem.
    Ground meat is a different issue because anything on the outside of the meat would be mixed in throughout and if not cooked to 165° it could make you sick. The thing is that for that to happen with the avian flu that meat would have to be handled by someone who had the virus and had contact with the meat while being ground up. The odds of that are mighty slim. The standard flu that makes it’s way around the US every year never affects the meat market and I doubt if the avian flu will either.
    I’ve only heard of a few people who have contracted the avian flu and they were in the dairy industry in direct contact with cattle that had been infected.
    Any animal that is showing any signs or symptoms of any illness cannot be slaughtered for food and dairy cattle are pulled out of production if they are sick. Livestock is tagged and so they can be traced if there is any kind of outbreak that needs to be tracked and there was new legislation that was just passed that livestock being transported across state lines must be tagged with an electronic tag for easy identification.
    I’ll continue to eat my steaks rare and my burgers medium. I ain’t skeered.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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