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Everything posted by Geezy

  1. I’m not sure that your grounding is the same as what we are talking about. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Interesting. I’ve always loved liverwurst and even make my own these days. I’ll be making a new batch pretty soon out of some lamb liver I just harvested. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. That’s odd. I’ve never seen that. We’ve had a wetter spring than we normally do down here but it’s cyclical. We had a bad drought last year so the rain is welcome. Our aquifers need it. We finally started hitting the low 90’s around here and that’s just fine with me. I like my weather just a little warmer than most. I like my weather like my food, coffee and women…hot. [emoji16] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Made some pancakes today using my paffle recipe. Credit ol_hilly for the idea. I ate my fill along with some venison breakfast sausage. I really liked the flavor and texture of these carnivore pancakes. When I use the paffle batter for waffles you don’t notice the pork rind panko. With the pancakes I still couldn’t taste the panko but it had a sort of nutty taste and a little crunchy texture as if it were a whole grain pancake. They were very good with just some butter on top. I can’t wait to try them with a couple or three over easy eggs on top. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I find plenty of variety on carnivore. You are only limited by your imagination. I was taught by my father to at least be willing to try something before judging it as bad and I learned this lesson with a dish my grandma prepared and I refused to eat it because I didn’t like the looks of it. Dad told me to try it. Just one bite and if I didn’t like it I didn’t have to eat it. (Of course there’d be nothing else to eat that evening if I didn’t eat my supper) I took that one bite and ended up eating two helpings. It’s a lesson that has stayed with me all these years. Since then I’ve eaten plenty of things that many won’t try but I found that some are great and some are not. I guess the things that most people might find gross that I’ve eaten would be raw foods such as sushi, (not so much these days but in the past) I’d eat fresh tuna as I caught it and was cutting it up. Poke, I can hurt myself eating that. Rattle snake. I hunt and handle venomous snakes and rattlers taste good. Frogs. It’s funny the reactions I get sometimes when people know I eat frog legs and I catch my own. Organ meats. Liver is common of course but I also eat sweetbreads and calf fries (testicles). I just slaughtered a lamb and I saved his liver, testicles and kidneys. I haven’t tried kidneys before so I’m looking forward to them. I’ve had tongue but it was pretty meh to me. The only thing I can think of that I might be squeamish about would be brains. They just do not appeal to me. Bugs. Yup bugs and I ate them on purpose. I’ve done a bit of survival training and experienced grasshoppers and grubs. I know that if ever in that situation I can eat to survive but I can guarantee it’ll be a last resort. They were not fun. Then there was South Korea during an overseas work assignment. They make a lot of silk in Korea and those people don’t waste anything so when the silk worms are no longer able to make silk they get roasted and eaten. I wasn’t going to be the “Ugly American” by refusing to try them so I did. Not good, not good at all. Blech! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Only when the meat is dry. Thank goodness for butter. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I was in class in grade school when an announcement came over the intercom that President Kennedy had been shot and we were sent home that day. I remember watching his funeral on tv. It was my first encounter with death. I believe I read somewhere that the term conspiracy came about because of the theories about the assassination. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. When it comes to drinking water on the go I just bring my own in metal containers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Wake up people, the conspiracy is real. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I love summer just because it’s warm. I’m from south Texas and I hate being cold all of the time in winter. The only thing cold weather is good for is hunting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Agreed Bob but don’t you dare mention God in a public school. You know He’s not allowed. [emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. You are right Bob. Those of us that work outdoors in the heat and dirty environments can’t go without bathing. I guess some people never spend much time sweating and getting dirty. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Bob pretty much covered it all so I’ll just welcome you lisalab. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Wow! I just finished watching the movie Dark Waters. Tremendous story of corporate corruption in the chemical industries. As I watched it I couldn’t help but think the same things that DuPont did in this circumstance are no different that what the pharmaceutical industry and big food corporations do to us as well. If you haven’t seen this 2019 movie you you really should make an effort to check it out. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt9071322/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Cooked up those steaks. Over a pound each. Not as fatty as I would have liked but delicious anyways. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Mosquito season hasn’t hit us yet so I’ve yet to test this out. I suppose I could go stick my hand in a fire ant mound to test it but I don’t really want to know that bad. I’ll just wait on the skeeters. I have noticed that I don’t sunburn like I used to. I’m browning more than burning. I haven’t used any sun block since being carnivore. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I watched about half of it when it first came out. I’ve heard several people talk about their hygiene changing on carnivore and not using soaps and deodorants or not bathing as often. Well if that works for them then fine but like everything else on this WOE, we are all different and it works differently in each of us. There are some benefits that many carnivore claim that I haven’t experienced such as skin tags falling of. I still have mine. Some no longer have floaters in their eyes, mine are less frequent but they are still there. It does make sense to me that by eating an all meat diet that it will change how we smell. In Vietnam our LRRP teams had to eat what the locals ate so Charlie couldn’t smell our men in the field. Your diet will give you a distinct smell. It also makes sense that when you don’t consume the sugars and carbs that turn into sugar your dental hygiene will be better. I believe I’m getting less mouth sores myself. I suppose it’s more habit than anything to brush my teeth twice a day but it definitely feels much better in the morning. I guess one could not brush their teeth and see if their loved ones say anything to them about their breath. Now as far as BO. No, if I can smell myself then I know others can smell me and I have smelled BO on myself since becoming carnivore. I also can’t stand greasy hair so I will keep showering and using soaps an shampoo. I can see finding cleaner soaps, shampoos and toothpaste in order to cut down on the unwanted chemicals in our lives. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I guess the difference between being skeptical of carnivore and grounding is that I can see and understand how carnivore works. I can only hear what people claim about grounding. Kinda difficult to see anything physical going on. I suppose the only way to find out would be to try it oneself but my feet are tender because I don’t ever go barefooted and there is no way I’m walking around for any length of time without something on my feet. I’m allergic to tetanus shots and I cannot afford to have something stick me in my feet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Well it was a good weather day so I got my walk in. Thanks for the inspiration. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I did not avoid salt. In fact I increased my salt intake but you have to be your own experiment or N=1. Use it as you would normally would to salt your meat and see how you do. I personally have no issues with using salt and I think a do better with a higher amount of salt in my diet. In fact, my last blood test showed I was low in sodium so I’m trying to increase my intake. But you must do what works for you and you find that out with trying something for awhile and see how it affects you and then adjust as needed. Cautionary note though. Choose your salt carefully. Avoid table salt if at all possible because it contains sugar. Read the labels of everything you intend to eat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Paffle lamb burgers for me. That was yesterday. Today I’ll be cooking a couple off lamb steaks over a wood fire. They’ve been dry brining for four days now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I’ve seen where Dr. Chaffee recommends sprinting and I sure wish I could try it but unfortunately I haven’t been able to run or even jog since 12/30/1980. All I can do is walk so that’s what I do. I try to get my 3 miles in every other day but with all of the bad weather we’ve been having it’s been difficult so I guess my goal will be to just get up and get back to walking now that there’s a break in the weather. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. So many slippery slopes in that article. First off a country that mandates what you can eat and not eat is not a free country. As much as I hate government interference I do applaud the British and European governments for not allowing certain types of food additives into their countries. We are way to lax on allowing Big Food to poison us. I absolutely agree that educating our children on nutrition is vital but…that is the responsibility of the parents and not the schools and even if the schools were to try that what guidelines would they teach from. I can pretty much guarantee it wouldn’t be from the perspective of The Proper Human Diet. Education begins in the home. Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6, ESV) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Great idea Bob, thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Well Robert we are all different and because we all have different physiology’s and metabolic pathways this way we eat will have varying responses. I disagree with your assessment that we can catch this virus or for that matter most viruses from eating the juices from a steak that is not well done. I personally eat mine rare to blue. I have no fear. Blood-borne viruses are those found at levels that can be detected in an infected person’s blood. They can be passed from person to person by blood, and in some cases other bodily fluids, including semen and breast milk. They can be transmitted from an infected person by intravenous drug use, a needle stick injury with contaminated needles, blood transfusions and sexual intercourse. They can also be transmitted from mother to child, before, during or even after birth. The most common blood borne viruses are the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. These viruses persist in the blood long-term or for life. There are some other viruses that can show up briefly in blood, but they generally don’t persist and are not considered significant “blood-borne” pathogens. Any infectious agent with a blood-borne, or “viraemic” phase has the potential for blood borne transmission, and so may be important for blood transfusions. For many infections, this viraemic period persists until the immune system is able to cure the infection by killing all infected cells. For some viruses, including Zika and Dengue, the viraemic phase lasts a matter of days. For other viruses such as Hepatitis B and C, or HIV, this viraemic phase persists. If a blood-borne virus is not detectable in blood, then a person or animal is generally considered non-infectious. In contrast, influenza, which the avian flu is categorized as, is spread by respiratory droplets. Virus particles are transmitted when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Droplets are inhaled by a new host, the virus binds to target receptors on the respiratory tract surface, and replicates in cells of the respiratory tract. Unlike HIV, influenza cannot insert itself into the host’s genes. Instead, the immune system detects infection, turns off viral reproduction and clears infected cells. While medications are available to aid this process, they are often unnecessary, as the immune system is often able to cure influenza independently. Previous influenza infection or vaccination provides some immune memory and provides protection and faster immune clearance of the virus. Influenza can be found in the blood for a brief period of time, particularly in severe cases, when the person is showing symptoms of flu. Although blood transfusions are not routinely tested for influenza infection, blood donors are asked not to donate if they are unwell. From my research there has never been any evidence or documentation or even whisper of a tale that anyone has ever caught any flu virus from eating a piece of meat, raw or otherwise. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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