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Everything posted by Matan1262

  1. Is there No problem using butter on carnivore diet? What about dairy products in general? Its been 50 days since I started and I feel amazing but I would love to add some fruit and vegs, and dairy if possible @Bob @Geezy
  2. Do you keep it in the freezer or fridge? Can it last like butter in the fridge?
  3. Thanks for the reply. Im lean so I didnt need to loose weight- I lost abiut 2 kg when I started and I almost returned all of this wheight. I do salt to taste - I have redmond real salt and pink Himalayas. I do work out regularly, but I also worked out before and the alt was normal, I was working out 2-3 times and now im working out each day. But still, is it normal to be that high? In terms of feeling I feel great and the high level of lymphocytes that I had for years is now normal which is amazing to me. just want to make sure Im not missing something that will mess up my health
  4. Started carnivore in 22.10.23 - 43 days ago. Before starting I did blood work in 16.10.23 and now i did again. Negative changes: - Urea(B) mg/dl normal range: 19-49 Before starting: 28 Now: 51 - Na- Sodium(B) mmol/l normal range: 136-146 Before starting: 139 Now: 135 - ALT(GPT) U/I normal range: 0-37 Before starting: 29 Now: 52 Positive: - lymphocytes % normal range 22-43 Before: 44.5 - was high for years Now: 38 All the rest is normal range Im scared from liver damage as you can see from the results, or damage to health in general, I feel good but some metrics changed drastically and im not sure if its ok. Please do you have more info what does it means and why it changed during carnivore
  5. It's been 34 days since I started, I had a few ups and downs in terms of feeling because of low-quality meat and the wrong ratio of beef to fat. Now I feel amazing compared to before starting, I kept an eye on this diet for over a year, never imagined it could actually have these crazy results. Anyway, I eat about 1kg ground beef 70/30 a day with 4-5 eggs, I will slow-cook brisket or asado and have it for a day or two. So, should I add any supplements? I bought Redmond real salt and I have imalaya pink salt. I understood that maybe I should add omega 3 and omega 6, maybe salmon oil - I have sensitive eyes and chronic problems, and I read that it can help Also, I saw people recommending cod liver oil or pills. And I saw a bunch of stuff like collagen, multi-vitamin, etc... From your experience, do you have any supplements to recommend that will make me feel even better? maybe will help with my eyes or problems in my neck and cervical myelopathy(I have electric pulses going around my arms and legs)? or sacroelitis? all that was caused by a car accident. Thanks in advance.
  6. My experience is different, I feel sick in the evening and after a long lay down like sleeping or laying on the bed/sofa, feeling like im going to puke and really bad feeling. The uppder stomach feels hot and full. Im sure its not a flue l, hopefully it was just bad ground meat
  7. I've felt better but it return, the exact same feeling. Yesterday morning i felt great but closer to bed time when i decided to lay on the couch the same feeling returned, not as worst but for sure felt nauseous - only after i managed to release some in the bathroom i felt a bit better but still nauseous. This morning again feeling good. Since starting im for sure more energetic, but the last few nights have been really tough, i need to battle the nauseous and the puke from getting out and I dont know what to do. I have no idea what happened. Maybe the new batch of ground beef? But it smelled good. Yesterday night i also ate salmon with butter(first time adding butter since starting). But the nauseous started days before. Sucks that it came from no where and I cant seem to get rid of it
  8. Im currently in the 19th day of carnivore. Eating 900g 70/30 ground beef +2-4 eggs each day. I try to eat 3 meals a day, 300g each. Two days ago I felt a bit sick at night as soon as I laid on the bed, nausea and feeling that Im going to puke. I managed to fall asleep and the next day everything was fine. Today I woke up before the sun rise felling extremely nauseous, almost puking and my upper belly felt warm and bloated. I went to the bathroom and had some diarrhea, than managed to drink a bit of water, I felt a bit better and returned to bed and managed to return to sleep in the end while not feeling good. I woke up a few hours later with less nausea but belly pain and specifically pain, worm and bloating in the upper belly. I went to the bathroom and had diarrhea like I never had in those 19 days. Im feeling much better now but still upper belly bloated and worm + a bit nausea. I cant survive on this way of eating like this, what is happening ? What changed? Please help me guys
  9. Thabk you so much for the detailed response
  10. Hi basic info: - started Carnivore two weeks ago. - I am 24yo slim, 1.74 cm, and weighed 62.5kg when I started, my body fat percentage is low. - In the first week, it was hard to adapt, I was eating 650g~ a day, now I source much better and tastier meat and manage to eat more. - I currently eat each day 2-4 eggs each and about 900g of ground beef 70/30 beef-to-fat ratio, pink Himalayan salt, and water. the ground beef is mostly Chuck/ribs and the fat comes from beef trimmings. I cook the ground beef as beef paddies and drink all the juices and fat. A few general questions if you don't mind: 1. since I started I lost weight, almost 2 kg, now 60.9kg, I thought I would gain weight with all this good fat and protein, it is at least 2900 calories a day, Is this normal? will I gain weight? am I doing something wrong? 2. Although I eat all this fat and drink a lot of water my Toilet exits are not normal, some are very small and watery and sometimes really dense and hard, I can have a day without going to the bathroom and the next day go 3 times. is this normal? do I just need more time to adjust? am I not eating right? 3. If I decide to add a bit of fruit after a month of experiment, which can I add? I miss avocado as part of my meal and a bit of fruit for dessert. 4. Is there a substitute for soy source for sashimi? I really miss it. 5. what about sushi in general? And is there a kind of rice for sushi that I can make once in a while that won't be bad for me? if not, is raw salmon + avocado inside sushi nori without rice okay once a month or two? 6. After how much time should I expect a difference in sleep apnea and snoring? I saw people saying after 5 days it was gone, well not for me... although I'm skinny and young I still have this problem. am I not eating right? maybe not sleeping in the right posture or with the right pillow, do you have recommendations? Would really appreciate it if some of you could take the time to answer, thanks in advance.
  11. Is it needed each day regardless of after I workout?
  12. Seems like the first one have less of it, I will order thanks
  13. Thank you, it really means a lot, gives hope to see people around the world stand with Israel, what happend was unimaginable, and its just the beginning. They are just pure pure evil, I cant comprehend this devil acts, how can they? Its a really tough time, imagining what our people, our brothers and sisters went through kills my soul. In the torah there is a saying "devil on earth"
  14. I will update, thanks, i answered you on different topics could you please take a look?
  15. I live in Israel. There is grass fed but its double the price and its not possible for me right now. The question is if I will see results in terms of health if I dont eat grass fed
  16. They actually do have the ingridiants. Im adding pictures of both products
  17. https://www.iherb.com/pal/referral/KBU1252/pdp?productId=112605&rcode=KBU1252&utm_medium=appshare This is another one I found
  18. Thank you guys, you have a lot of knowledge and it really helps me. I cant seem to find electrolytes to purchase in my country that doesnt have bad stuff in. https://www.iherb.com/pal/referral/KBU1252/pdp?productId=5452&rcode=KBU1252&utm_medium=appshare Is this one good? If not, can you look if there is a good electrolytes produxt in this website? Because it has fast shipping. If there is not, can you please send a link to buy some with option to international shipping? I would really appreciate it. In terms of salmon, i will eat once a week, and liver about once in two weeks.
  19. How do I make the bone broth
  20. What is grain finished? If it means that only in their last period alive they get grains thats not what I ment, the ground beef here doesnt get any grass, from start to finish What is grain finished? If it means that only in their last period alive they get grains thats not what I ment, the ground beef here doesnt get any grass, from start to finish
  21. I forgot to mention that in not over weight, im actually pretty lean and young, there is no more body fat to burn for me. I want to understand if in my case its still beneficial for it
  22. Thanks for the information
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