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Everything posted by MeatMatteos

  1. I'm wondering if iodine could play a part because when I was on keto I ate a lot of seaweed, so I got a ton of iodine, I actually would eat a few packages almost everyday I think, so probably was getting over 200% dv just there not to mention other foods, Im not sure just eating beef in today's world can get enough iodine
  2. They don't hurt your stomache at all? I agree eggs are probably a good source of nutrition but they seem to hurt my stomach, even pasture raised corn and soy free just the egg yolks, seem to bother my stomache a bit, basically those are the top tier of egg you can get lol and didn't even eat the white
  3. No I'm taking over the course of 11 months..I'm 11 months in and have been mostly Lion diet the whole time..My muscles seem to be weaker than back when I was eating more animal based ketoish diet I guess, and I seem to have less energy for high intensity exercise
  4. Honestly I've been doing for months probably 80% fat or more probably...in fact I think between test at 6 months and 9 months I increased tallow consumption dramatically but dropped eggs...starting to wonder if it's a folate deficiency as well. My folate was clinically low under 2. My muscles do feel weaker on carnivore than when animal based and my energy for high intensity exercise is definitely down as well.Chatgpt/Google do say low folate could contribute to high triglycerides. Going to try to incorporate more liver, chicken liver, maybe cheese/salmon, and lamb heart things like this to get my folate up hopefully...
  5. Mine have gone up on carnicore as well..On a omnivore diet but low saturate fat tehy were maybe 77...With higher protein and fiber i was around 101...then i went carnivore 2 months in 185, 4 months in 235, 6 months in 165, 9 months in 285 Only thing ive changed is protein to fat ratios mostly, trigs went down to 165 when i was doing more HIIT exercise as well seemed...Suspecting that too much fat could cause them to rise maybe? Not really sure Have implemented a 48 hour fast once every week now and more walking hoping to get them down Also wondering if cooked meat/ground beef could somehow play a part, and maybe even salt as well Going off ground beef and to rare steaks seems to have perhaps allievates the excess plaque i was getting on my teeth, hard to say if its 100% the cause though because i also started using baking soda after i went to dentist to brush with instead of salt which i was using pre dentist visit I do think maybe the rare almost raw steaks are perhaps easier to digest than cooked meat mayb because of ensymes and bacteria, maybe assists body more? Also, eating more raw fat instead of tallow, maybe in the raw form it will be better for the body perhaps as well? Also wondering if not 1:1 omega content could play a factor Eating more lamb fat now for the omega 3s and may take cod liver oil, perhaps if even 100% grass fed beef not all sources always have teh best omega3:6 ratio which maybe could contribute to some inflammation and raiskng of triglycerides? Really hoping to solve this Have also heard salt could decrease bodies ability to utilize fats? Saw this on reddit from Steffanson maybe apparently said it? Could effect trigylceries too perhaps? Also maybe not enough iodine in soil anymore, effecting thyroid function, been rubbing ipdine on my skin for absoeprion, hopinng to let my body filter in what it needs that way via the skin
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