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  1. Thanks for your response. After a deeper dive into the research it appears that bacterial infection from a tick bite can cause insulin resistance and higher blood glucose, high blood pressure, irregular heart beats, and more. Looks like the effects usually don't last longer than a few months. I'll stick to IF and low/no-carb and see how the labs are in a few months. Maybe invest in a CGM.
  2. Looking for explanations and non-drug options. My recent lab showed 8.3 for A1c w/200 blood sugar. (usually a1c is 5.2). Dr gave me two choices; lifestyle changes (to Keto) or diabetic drugs. I've been keto/carnivore for years especially the last 5 yrs. I average 25 g of carbs a day, often 0g, and usually do OMD. My body is fat adapted. The numbers suggest that my liver is making too much glucose and not using it leaving it in the blood. Glucose sparing I'm thinking. Also; a few studies indicate that blood cells live longer on carnivore/keto diet thus holding on to more glucose raising a1c. But 3 points higher is a lot and studies are few on this topic. My last thought is something from a tic bite like Bartonella infection as we get many in our woods and usually after a tic bite I get cravings for carbs. Some reports say bacteria from tic bites can cause insulin resistance. These three explanations my doctor knows nothing about as well as anything carnivore/keto. I am interested in possible explanations and options to lower the a1c. Thanks
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