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Everything posted by ketomonster

  1. Oooo yummy speaking for myself I've been waiting on you Robert please hurry!!! I always wondered why they named it Grub hub.
  2. Hi and thanks Bob update: One week in and I no longer have the dizzy spells that occurred when i stood up quickly. And I took a couple of before pictures that Ill share one day.
  3. thanks for the clarification
  4. I'll go along with punishment as long as every other thing that bothers people is punishable... get it?
  5. sounds awesome, best of luck with your lifestyle
  6. I didn't McGee's point, If diet had improved them in any way they would not have been destroyed. Sounds like he believes God sent the flood because of vegetarianism.
  7. Not sure I understand what you're saying as it relates to the flood.
  8. dang a stick a day , i tried some salted butter yesterday it was to salty for my tasted. I ate about 7/8's of a lb. of hamburger and its renderings yesterday for dinner but didn't feel all that full after a couple of hours. I think Ill try some unsalted butter as a snack.
  9. what kind of butter taste best?
  10. why, when and how much? and your experience. thanks a lot
  11. sorry ALT is a enzyme produced by a damaged liver and released in the blood. Ill try to find that video where it was mentioned. I figure if even partially true, why not play it safe.
  12. Ill give you that, if he saves money on a gym membership he can forego the toxic beans and live "his best carni life"
  13. Id dump the gym membership and do push ups etc on your own. You'll never be a accomplished body builder (if that is what you want) without a high budget for protein. If I were you, Id buy high protein beans and whatever meat you can afford and drink water.
  14. so you're 220 lbs and how tall? What do you mean look sickly?
  15. I don't know what you weigh, but that diet sounds pretty lean to me. No chicken for me (to little energy in chicken) . I'd suggest increase your fat (has twice the energy of protein or carbs) even if you have to ask a butcher for some. Myself I get tired of eating meat at every meal, so I use whole fat dairy products in the mornings once in awhile to break the monotony. Your cottage cheese and cream cheese should be whole fat and not measured with a tablespoon!
  16. same thing happened to blue buffalo dog food, people contracted to make it, took some short cuts
  17. Best advice i ever heard about retirement is "Never trade the most valuable thing you have (time) for something you may never need (more money). thanks for the reply guys!
  18. so after the first month your weight lose started to tail off. hmm interesting. Im 30 lbs overweight and Im concerned what happens once i lose the 30 lbs?
  19. well, i have slightly elevated atl results. so first i found out what that was, which is most likely from a fatty liver. so i snooped around and heard one person mention that loosing to much fat to rapidly (more than 2.2. lbs per week) will cause you liver to replace that fat with (something i can't remember) that is not good. Im all ears and thanks
  20. I read it may not be best to loose to much weight to soon. And since I started carnivore I've been dropping a lot more than 8 lbs per week. So I believe I need to add some healthy carb packed foods to my diet. So the second part of this question is what would be some good foods to add? thanks a lot.
  21. Hey all, Im so glad to be here. I first heard of a carnivore diet four days ago, and have been carnivore for three days. But realized I was losing alot of weight to soon. (I heard that may not healthy). so Ill be asking advice on foods that will supplement my carnivore diet. Im off to the store to get some high fat, high carb dairy products. Hope to talk to you soon.
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