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Everything posted by Steven2023

  1. I just saw a video by Dr. Ken Berry about keto-friendly condiments. I am always looking for ways to add variations and creativity to my meals and I thought you might be interested in viewing this video (if you haven't seen it yet). He says that if they aren't easy to find in the store, they are easy to make at home where you can control the ingredients. Here's the link to the video: Butter was the first item on the list. That one is an easy one to find. However, if you like using clarified butter for frying (as a break from tallow, bacon grease, or fruit oils), here is a link to one way of making your own clarified butter. Clarified butter has the milk proteins removed and will not burn as it raises the flash point for butter up around 500 degrees Fahrenheit. https://chefjeanpierre.com/recipes/essentials/clarified-butter-how-to-make-and-why/ Next on his list was bacon grease. He says it can be used as a condiment as well as for frying food. He mentioned pouring the hot bacon grease over salads. Vinaigrette was also discussed and there are a lot of recipes out there to choose from. Mayonnaise was on his list and of course he cautioned about the soy and seed oil mayos. Here is a link for some good homemade mayo: https://chefjeanpierre.com/recipes/basic-mayonnaise/ Hollandaise sauce is made from eggs (yolks) and is so good. It complements a lot of food and is a great source of fat. This is the recipe that I use: Hollandaise Sauce Ranch dressing (dip) has always been a favorite of mine but all the commercial ones out there are invariably made from soy oil. So it will have to be made at home (unless you know of a brand that is keto friendly). I remember seeing a homestead video that made the spice powder so you could make it fresh in any desired quantity. You could make the ranch powder recipe and modify it to take out the buttermilk powder and use the cream cheese/sour cream combination instead. But there are a lot of different carnivore/keto recipes available. All can be modified to your liking. Mustard was his next item. Pretty easy. Just remember to read the label as some of those mustards have devils in them. The bonus item he gave is aioli. Something that I had never heard of but am anxious to try out. Here is a sample recipe for garlic aioli. I noticed that there were also other videos besides Dr. Berry's that touted carnivore condiments. I know when I first started my diet, I was afraid I would get bored with the diet. But I have since discovered that there is a ton of information and ideas out there that will provide more variety than you think!
  2. If you need meal ideas and clever ways to make your food, this is one of the many influencers on YouTube. If I'm not mistaken, she's been on the carnivore diet for 5 years or so. https://www.youtube.com/@LauraSpath
  3. I eat them mostly with my egg-based breakfasts. Since the labe on the jar says 0 carbs and 0 sugars, I figure I'm okay. And, they taste good!
  4. You are very fortunate that they are near you. They have a lot of good products there. However, they do not offer shipping at this time.
  5. Wow!!! I will definitely visit this site. Thanks!!!!
  6. Oooooooooo!!!! I may have to try my hand at that. I still have some venison in the freezer.
  7. We had talked about it in the past, but the interest fizzled out. But now that I'm carnivore, we'll have to renew that effort.
  8. We have some of those around here but they're not always around. Saturday mornings the come to the marketplace here in town. I should check and see if they have bulk prices. They would rather sell a whole beef, but that is an expensive one-time hit. It is probably cheaper in the long run though.
  9. You probably have a valid point. I'll have to explore more and think outside of the box.
  10. I have also noted that I'm spending less eating carnivore. Plus, making my own sausage saves some money, too. I doing some market research in purchasing more bulk items to save a little more over time. Does anyone buy their meat through a subscription type delivery service, i.e. places like Omaha Meats?
  11. It probably doesn't look the greatest, but it tasted good. It's basically 2 cans of tuna, avocado mayo, shredded and smoked cheddar cheese, sliced jalapenos and green olives all mixed together.
  12. I hope you share some more information about that carnivore ice cream.
  13. Since the grill was still hot from the skirt steaks, I also wrapped some pork chops in bacon for breakfast...
  14. I meant to eat this last night for supper. It had marinated almost 4 hours when I had to leave the house. Got back close to midnight and I wasn't going to grill it then. So it waited until breakfast and had a marinate time of about 19 hours. You're looking at a nice skirt steak. Oh! It was good!
  15. You have a point there. Sometimes I eat a bigger meal and many times I am drinking a lot. I will just have to take all that into consideration. I'll watch out for the same trends as well. My weight this morning was 264.8. I'm not so worried anymore and I'll expect the fluctuations along the way.
  16. You are probably right about that. It will be expensive buying a new wardrobe for the newly, thinned down chassis. I am still amazed at how good I am feeling on this diet.
  17. Wow! Do I have a ways to go. I wrestled 185 in my senior year and was always underweight for my class. I don't think I want to go that low in weight.
  18. I have one deer liver to make something out of. It's pretty big, too. I still have to decide what to make though.
  19. It sure does. I've seen several different recipes that are liver based or contain liver. I plan on making some pretty soon.
  20. This is one of my recent breakfasts... Cheesy eggs, 2 top sirloin steaks (I had to leave one for later), and two German bratwursts. Mmmmmmmmm!
  21. Well I'll start by saying I hit an all-time low on my diet of 264 last Tuesday. However, I have gained 4 pounds since then! I have had fluctuations, but the trend was always down. So, I am wondering what I am doing wrong, if anything. I've noticed in some of the other threads the mention of calories. I didn't think we had to worry about calories on this diet. I thought it was a non-issue if it is an issue. Perhaps I'm supposed to have an exercise regimen to burn off the pounds? I know that will aid in losing weight, but I didn't think it was a requirement for this diet. Am I wrong? I'm reading the labels of everything I consume to make sure there are no hidden devils in the ingredients. I can't imagine why I'm on this gaining trend. Thoughts, anyone?
  22. I started making my own sausages a while ago, kind of a hobby. I found some sausage-making influencers on YT, some of which are butchers by trade in Germany. The have lots of recipes and are easy to follow. I bought a big meat grinder and a 15-pound capacity sausage stuffer as well. With those two items, I can make most anything in conjunction with my pellet smoker/grill. Ingredients? It depends on the sausage really. For a typical German style white bratwurst, it would be 70% pork shoulder and 30% pork belly. The seasonings would be the other ingredients. Some sausages call for binders and there are a lot of options for binders of which I can choose the one(s) that are carnivore friendly. Some sausages are quite easy to make. Then, when you get into drying and fermentation, it's more advanced. If you don't have a meat grinder or stuffer, you can still 'try out' making your own sausage meat. Find an easy recipe and buy the meat pre-ground at the store. Mix it up with the required seasoning and form into sausage patties; for instance, breakfast sausage. If you like what you have made, you can always invest in a good grinder and stuffer later. I hope my 'chime' was informative enough.
  23. I found it. Thanks!!!
  24. Oh! It was. It was the first one I ever cooked (smoked) let alone ever ate. It was so tender, it almost melted in my mouth. I went to YT to find the way to smoke it and I used this recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0oy3feq-kU&t=414s You never know how a recipe will turn out until you taste it. I scored bigtime with this one. I didn't do the glaze, though.
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