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Everything posted by Henrywrites

  1. I can't deal with ice water, to be honest. I prefer taking warm water most of the times and that is how I have been able to cope. Maybe I will adjust in the future, but at the moment, it doesn't go well with me.
  2. I took a break from cooking the day I made a poor jollof rice. I noticed that it was salty, and that was the period that my woman came around. I couldn't even cope then, but I am glad now that everything is getting better and I am becoming a better version of a chef that I wanted to be for long.
  3. I think they do most of these comparisons to spice things up for fans. They use it as something that the fans will keep talking about and that is what I totally understand from all of that.
  4. I agree with you. Having a control over the amount of alcohol that we drink can go a long way in ensuring that we don't get addicted to drinking.
  5. No, I have never been sacked from any job that I did in the past. I have always been the one to leave such jobs when I noticed that the environment wasn't conducive for me anymore.
  6. Some of my friends became worried when I began my weight loss journey. However, they ended up realising that I was on a journey, and their jokes also became part of what I use as a daily motivation to keep losing weight.
  7. You need to be confident with what you are doing and believe that you are going to lose weight. Yes, it may take time, but every progress should be seen as a win. Also, you need to understand that your husband is going to lose weight faster than you do.
  8. The weather here has not been good to me. The heat is killing, and I can barely sleep under this kind of condition. My main focus has always been to have a good time, but the heat always made it not easy as expected.
  9. Yesterday was good although I had a lot of work to do at the office which took most of my time. It is never easy to cope once I have a busy day at work. However, I am glad that I was able to have a good night rest.
  10. I am good with everything that you said that you are going to do here. Hope you've gone ahead to implement them? How do you feel at the moment?
  11. I still take alcohol, but I have been able to do it with all carefulness and not drink to stupor each time that I want to drink alcohol. It doesn't make any sense trying to put my health in danger because I want to drink alcohol. There is no point trying to move that way at all.
  12. I agree with you that the sun is more accommodating than what we have with the winter period where the snow can keep you indoors against your will. So, I have seen a couple of friends wish to experience summer all year long.
  13. This explains it all. The internet can never been seen to be human in terms of our ability to afford it. I don't see the essence of trying to make it look that way where everyone should demand for it without being ready to pay the price.
  14. I enjoyed taking fried eggs and bread this morning. It is one of the meals that I take every morning when I am feeling a bit down on what I am expected to have done. So, I woke up and make the meal and it was delicious.
  15. Letting it occur indoor where a couple of people are not smokers can be challenging. I won't like to be part of such experience as well. I don't think smoking indoor when you are not alone is unfair to the other person especially when they are not people that like to smoke.
  16. I am planning to start lifting weights in 2024. It is one thing that I am looking forward to doing next year in order to build my muscles and certainly that is going to help me build more and become fitter. I see lifting weights as a fun activity as I was always excited doing it in the past.
  17. I am becoming addicted to chicken meat. I can take a kilo of chicken on a day without feeling like it is too much. That is how I have been able to work on eating enough protein that doesn't include taking red meat as my doctor advised.
  18. Are you saying that Messi winning the World Cup didn't make him the greatest of all time? He's won literally every trophy that is there to have been won in the game while scoring lots of goals. Some football analyst think he's done amazingly well.
  19. This is true. It is all about the comparative cost when it comes to making a choice about the school that one can afford. What is also important is to come to terms with the fact that quality education will definitely come at a cost and there is need to figure out the necessary ways to afford the quality education at an affordable cost.
  20. There are a lot of football fans that claim that Messi is finally the greatest of all time as he won the World Cup at a time not many gave the team a chance at winning. What do you have to say about that?
  21. I don't smoke, and I know that there are a couple of persons here who are also not comfortable around those who smoke. When it comes to smoking, do you think that those who smoke in public places should be punished?
  22. When it comes to sports, we all have different interests. What is that sports that you will say that you are very good at? How long have you played it? Do you earn from playing the sport?
  23. There are people who always enjoy being in a situation where the weather is sunny. They can't deal with the snow and rain that accompanies it. Are you a summer or winter type of person?
  24. There are people that believe that education should be free for all. Others believe that for the quality of education to be better, the cost of education should be higher. When it comes to education, what would you say about the cost of getting educated?
  25. This is true. Joining forums where you get to see the struggles and successes of others that are trying to lose weight has been helpful. I always believe that it is such a good idea getting to be part of a community like this, which is why I joined.
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