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    CIO got a reaction from Lynn D in Blood glucose through the roof   
    Hi so an update! After exactly 8 days off HRT/test. my blood glucose levels today are 5! I spoke to doctor and she actually agreed was probably test. making me insulin resistant and she has ordered full bloods. I am so relieved and figure will stay off HRT etc. and rely on carnivore to regulate my hormones. Phew! Thanks for all your help. Just updating in case you come across another case like this and can then advise based on my experiences.
  2. Like
    CIO got a reaction from Sherry in Blood glucose through the roof   
    Hi thanks for replying. I eat zero dairy, zero coffee or carbs except for a bit of dark chocolate as a crutch just for now. I'm not stressed and I eat lots of fat in form of butter. But think now will start eating more fatty meat.... issue is I don't like fat! But will test!
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    CIO got a reaction from Bob in Blood glucose through the roof   
    Thank you!
  4. Thanks
    CIO reacted to Bob in Blood glucose through the roof   
    Thanks for the update and I am really glad you found the culprit behind those alarmingly high levels. 
    I'll add some tags to this topic so it can be easily found in the future.
  5. Like
    CIO reacted to Geezy in Blood glucose through the roof   
    That’s great news.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Like
    CIO got a reaction from Geezy in Blood glucose through the roof   
    Hi so an update! After exactly 8 days off HRT/test. my blood glucose levels today are 5! I spoke to doctor and she actually agreed was probably test. making me insulin resistant and she has ordered full bloods. I am so relieved and figure will stay off HRT etc. and rely on carnivore to regulate my hormones. Phew! Thanks for all your help. Just updating in case you come across another case like this and can then advise based on my experiences.
  7. Like
    CIO got a reaction from Geezy in Blood glucose through the roof   
    Hello. I wish I ate two pounds of choc! 🙂
    I am def not diabetic as this increase has started with carnivore only. Plus I have zero health issues and had blood work 6 months ago and all good. Strange thing is I feel great. 
    After much googling I read that HRT (which includes testosterone) may create insulin resistance so I have come off it to see if makes a difference. 
    Will let you know it that is the cause but thanks for all the help. 
  8. Like
    CIO got a reaction from Bob in Blood glucose through the roof   
    Hi no I am not diabetic and healthy and about 30bs overweight but losing it quickly due to this way of eating. I do IF so eat once a day at the most twice and have taken it at different times so in morning, before and after eating etc but still it seems to be constantly high. I do butter everything and eat dark meat plus salmon etc. BUT pure fatty bits of meat make me sick and I just can't eat them. And I do eat ground beef. It's just a tad confusing why. I am cutting out even the small bit of dark choc I have after Xmas to see if makes any different (gawd I love dark choc). I'm not going to stop as carnivore has basically cured my IBS but just want to know if this continues without reason if I should worry. Hey ho. It's only been a month so I will wait and see. Thank you! 
  9. Like
    CIO got a reaction from Geezy in Blood glucose through the roof   
    Hi no I am not diabetic and healthy and about 30bs overweight but losing it quickly due to this way of eating. I do IF so eat once a day at the most twice and have taken it at different times so in morning, before and after eating etc but still it seems to be constantly high. I do butter everything and eat dark meat plus salmon etc. BUT pure fatty bits of meat make me sick and I just can't eat them. And I do eat ground beef. It's just a tad confusing why. I am cutting out even the small bit of dark choc I have after Xmas to see if makes any different (gawd I love dark choc). I'm not going to stop as carnivore has basically cured my IBS but just want to know if this continues without reason if I should worry. Hey ho. It's only been a month so I will wait and see. Thank you! 
  10. Like
    CIO got a reaction from Geezy in Blood glucose through the roof   
    Hi thanks for replying. I eat zero dairy, zero coffee or carbs except for a bit of dark chocolate as a crutch just for now. I'm not stressed and I eat lots of fat in form of butter. But think now will start eating more fatty meat.... issue is I don't like fat! But will test!
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