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    John got a reaction from Sherry in Carnivore diet - dairy   
    I find cheese tricky. I currently include it in my diet, but I get tempted to overindulge. So for snacking I have to avoid mild cheeses and instead just have nibbles of blue cheese. Taste is so strong you don’t want to eat a lot!
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    John got a reaction from Bob in Carnivore diet - dairy   
    I find cheese tricky. I currently include it in my diet, but I get tempted to overindulge. So for snacking I have to avoid mild cheeses and instead just have nibbles of blue cheese. Taste is so strong you don’t want to eat a lot!
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    John got a reaction from Lou in Hydration   
    I know what you mean Lou, I’m also in the UK. A lot of carnivore devotees in US recommend ‘chuck steak’ as a cheaper alternative to Ribeye. But I’m not familiar with that and cannot find it in supermarkets over here. Maybe it goes by a different name. My research so far not much help!
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    John reacted to PaleoBird in A Brief Overview of a the Various Low Carb Diets [Article]   
    I call my way of eating The Wolf Diet.  It's almost exclusively carnivore but I don't stress out over spices, tea, and a seriously occasional avocado or handful of berries.  I call it the Wolf Diet because wolves eat berries now and then but I don't think anybody is going to revoke their carnivore cards or tell them that they are doing carnivore wrong.
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    John reacted to PaleoBird in Hydration   
    To Lou's original question about hydration.  I really like Gerolsteiner water.  It has a higher mineral content than other bubbly waters such as Pelegrino, Perrier, etc.  and zero sweeteners.  It's good for keeping your electrolytes in balance as you hydrate.
    There are also a lot of flavored waters like LeCroix, Bubble that are flavored with what they call "essence of...." orange, lemon or whatever.  This essence thing is not a fake flavor but more like an essential oil.  It is not sweet at all to the tastebuds so it avoids the insulin response Bob was warning about, but it does have just a little aroma and taste to make it more entertaining than plain water.
    I think the flavored ones are a good transitional thing but eventually you will lose your taste for them.
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    John reacted to Qapla in Hydration   
    You might try watching some videos on YT like The Bearded Butchers where they show the various cuts, where they come from and some of the alternate names for some of the cuts.
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    John got a reaction from Bob in White or Dark meat?   
    Just one bite of flan! That’s proper will power. I have such a sweet tooth, and just done 3 weeks on Carnivore. One bite of cake too dangerous at this point.
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    John got a reaction from Bob in White or Dark meat?   
    I love chicken and turkey legs. But duck legs are next level! If you ever get the chance you have to try them 🙂
  9. Yum!
    John got a reaction from Bob in White or Dark meat?   
    Duck legs. Roasted with salt and pepper.   Amazing flavour, crispy skin. That’s the way to go!
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