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  • Bob

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  1. Hi all, thank you all for your opinions.
  2. The time in my fist post was not an exact measure. To be more precise: Today I've been in the diet for exactly 2 weeks. But I guess it’s still the transition phase you mentioned. Is it normal to have a very dry mouth? I mean not only dry but also a very strange taste in the mouth - hard to describe. Thanks for your support.
  3. For the interested, here an intermediate result: Today, I measured my weight since start. I lost 2kg (73kg -> 71kg). Part of it may be because I got rid of all the fibers in my digestive tract. But part of it is „real“ weight loss which is visible im my face. This means my BMI dropped from 20.9 to 20.3. For me this is way too low to feel good. My energy is dropping day by day. I know this feeling from earlier times when my weight was too low. May be it‘s too early, but the expected „carnivore energy boost“ has not yet materialized. I try to eat us much as I can, but it seems to be much harder than expected. I hope there will be a turnaround in the next week (weight-wise and energy-wise)
  4. Thanks Geezy I just opened a separate thread about the coconut oil.
  5. I wonder what your thoughts on coconut and/or MCT oils are? As there are not strict carnivore, do you still recommend it? I‘m especially interested in your opinion on MCT oil. This is much more processed than the „normal“ coconut oil. Is it just a hype, is it good or does it even any harm?
  6. Thank you very much Bob.
  7. Thank you very much Bob.
  8. Hi all I‘m new to carnivore (1 week in) and I have a question. Most of the carnivores I read about have a weight loss goal. For me it is the opposite. Have a low BMI and want to gain weight (muscle of course ;)). I try carnivore for other health reasons (inflammation, lack of energy, skin issues). Is it possible to gain weight (with training of course) on a carnivore diet? I ask because I really struggle to get enough calories on this diet. Thanks for your advise Carlo
  9. Hi all I‘m new to carnivore (1 week in) and I have a questions. According to my research, I read that about 75% of the calories should come from fat. I really struggle with this target. Even a fatty ribeye has just about 50% calories from fat. How does this work if you just want to eat meat, water and salt? Thanks for your help.
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