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  1. Thank you! I appreciate your feedback.
  2. No fluttering or butterflies. My Apple Watch doesn’t note any arrhythmia, just tachycardia. Thank you for your response. I think it was just transitional as this has gotten better. Thanks for your response.
  3. Bob, thank you for your response. No I do not have any of the above diagnosis that you mentioned. Shortness of breath literally last about 30 seconds. it’s basically getting winded immediately after and it resolves quickly. Just wasn’t sure if this was normal with carnivore. Increase my electrolytes and fluids and see how that goes. thank you.
  4. Thank you for your response. My fiancé and my father are also experiencing this. Will definitely try to increase electrolytes as well as more water.
  5. What’s the best food tracker that people use on the carnivore diet Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Why do I feel short of breath with exertion with starting carnivore diet. Only in 2 weeks but find I get winded just going up a flight of stairs. Is this common?
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