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    Bax reacted to Bob in how you know that you get enought fat?   
    Welcome @Bax!
    You want to focus on fatty red meat and fatty fish. When you do eat leaner meats, like chicken, try paring it with a fatty meat like bacon. And remember to count the butter, tallow, lard, bacon grease, or oil you are cooking it in. After plating that food, you can even pour some of the fat from the pan over top of the meal, or add butter. And then there is cheese, heavenly cheese, lol.
    Don't overthink it though. Many of us just eat meat and eggs and don't bother tracking our macros. I also don't think you need to worry about protein poisoning, also called "rabbit starvation". You would have to be eating a lot of protein and depriving yourself of fat and carbs for a long time. You're fat isn't that low, and really you could literally eat a couple tablespoons of butter right off the stick and your fat intake will rise significantly.
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    Bax reacted to Orweller in how you know that you get enought fat?   
    Use butter, cheese, and eggs to get the fat also. 
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    Bax reacted to Geezy in how you know that you get enought fat?   
    It’s really not that hard. 1 gram of protein will not be the same size as 1 gram of fat. A 1-1 ratio should give you a calorie ratio of 70% - 30% or even a 80% - 20% protein to fat.
    Generally a well marbled ribeye will have the correct ratio you are looking for.
    Cooking everything in animal fats along with well marbled meats will usually suffice.
    For leaner cuts such as chicken or filets and some pork you can easily add butter to up the fat ratio.
    There are apps that you can use to calculate all of your micro’s that will give you a better idea of how to recognize the proper ratio visually.
    I used one for awhile to see if I was on the right track and it showed me I was.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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