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Everything posted by louis

  1. Ok. So today I went off plan. Yesterday I ate buffalo burgers and eggs only and I honestly felt horrible this morning. My mind was beating me up and I let it. I am not proud of what I ate today. I am highly aware of my compulsion too. I have to be accountable and tell someone. I am grateful that you guys hear me and I have this space. I thank you. So today I felt emotional this morning. Mind was beating me up. Getting out of bed was tricky. I came back from yoga and meditation, gave in and ordered some nut, date ball things as well as some cocoa date balls mixed with an oat mixture. I know that I do not want these 'vegan sweets' and I know what they do to me yet I ate a lot of them. Would cream have been better? Who knows? It is all just addiction and stuffing my feelings. I know that I only want to eat meat. I felt sorry for myself. My body is hurting, my mind is dictating and I gave in. Why is all of that? Yes habit, yes other things and also because I am eating poisons. So I start again right here, right now. My aim is to get into a cold, cold shower in the future when I am having these cravings. Start to log what I am eating and doing a whole lot more. I can do this. I am doing this. Namaste
  2. I ate some egg yolks today cooked in ghee which were delicious. I also drank some Japanese tea earlier on. I later found out that it is made from roasted barley. Argh. I am thinking that it is best to avoid that in the future owing to it being a grain and to drink water only. Also, that I have to ask questions about ingredients before eating or drinking anything!
  3. Dairy no more for me. It is time to go cold turkey again! I am grateful to be learning what I am about myself as well as nutrition.
  4. I just ate five buffalo burgers cooked in butter. Whether it was grass fed butter, I am unsure. I ate out and the guy serving and cooking only speaks a little English. I guess I am starting again tomorrow and it will be day 1 for me. No more dairy products apart from ghee for me in the future. Ketosis here I come.
  5. I have a lot to learn. I just found out that lactose is a natural sugar and carbohydrate.
  6. Thank you again for suggesting I might be lactose intolerant. I am lying in bed right now with all sorts of symptoms which I have had for all of my life. I have been labelled and labelled. Put on many legal drugs and a whole lot more and today I am understanding why I have had the behaviours, temperament and personality that I have had. Yes some were learnt, yes there was conditioning, yes environment will have played a part in it as well as sugar having a massive impact too. I honestly think that dairy has also been a factor and it is now time for me to never eat dairy again. All of these so called 'experts' I have seen and been sent to. I am in a country where the cow is precious in a different way. Does anyone have any thoughts on eating buffalo?
  7. Thanks Bob. It is the cream. I have not wanted to say it. I am going to. It is all addiction. It is comforting. I absolutely know that I cannot have dairy and then I tell myself it is ok and it is not. Thank you for the info. I hear you and am certain I am lactose intolerant now. It is now time for me to get off the cream and the only dairy that I eat is ghee. I noticed how different my thoughts are over the past couple of days since eating cream as well as motivation and I whole lot more. Fear is back. I have to stop it now. Thank you again Bob. Namaste
  8. Thank you Geezy. I cut the cream out for a week and then felt a little emotional! I will stop the cream. I know that my body is sensitive to dairy products.
  9. Just watched a video which says bloating could be to do with having too much salt or because I have a food intolerance. They are suggesting to only have beef, bacon and butter. I think I need to stop eating and relax.
  10. So, I am two weeks in. Apart from eating nearly four litres of cream over the past two days (argh), I have eaten some coconut oil on the first two days and ghee, meat and eggs for the rest of the time. My stomach is bloated and hard like a rock and I am quite itchy at times. Has anyone ever heard of experiences which are similar to this?
  11. I ate four fried eggs and chicken livers today which I cooked in a lot more ghee than I usually use. Then I had some cream. I am saying nothing more about that!!!!! I am feeling tired since eating. It is my fourteenth day today. I want to stay in the present yet I am looking forward to being on this journey still in a month's time and seeing how I am feeling and thinking then. Anyway, I am so glad that I am still doing this. I am very grateful to this group and every single one of you. Namaste
  12. Today I ate smoked salmon, buffalo burgers cooked in butter and cream! Usually I prefer to stay away from cream.
  13. Hi hi hi Yesterday I ate lots of fried eggs cooked in ghee!
  14. Today I ate a lot again. I learnt even more about myself too. I got really excited about having eggs, chicken livers and ghee to cook and cooked so much. Towards the end of cooking I realised that I was binging even though it was sugar free. That is a habit, addiction, part of my temperament which I will drop. So today I witnessed my binging yet carried on. I ate two fried eggs, lots of chicken livers and another egg concoction. I gave myself indigestion at the beginning. I was stuffing it in my mouth so fast. It was very tasty when I finally settled down, ate it slowly and gave myself a chance to taste it! I ate the majority of it! I have not had chicken livers or much meat for a long time. They were yummy. Namaste
  15. Hi, hi, hi. I have eaten loads today! I ate some fish cooked in butter, two fried eggs and some chicken. I tried to make some chicken patties. They tasted great. They looked interesting!!!!!!
  16. Absolutely Skittles. Hearing your progress is inspiring. Re talking. Well. It is amazing how much I am talking (writing) in this group. I used to hide. I have only been doing this for a short amount of time as you know. Still, I am noticing differences. I am 'talking'. Being authentic. Yes, there is a long way to go and yes mind is saying a lot to me. still, I am talking. Getting out of bed in the morning is still a little tricky. It is a lot less tricky than it was before I started this and takes me a small amount of time to get up now instead of festering in the abuse mind tells me. I think that my body is coming out from being numb too! To life!
  17. I ate fish cooked in butter today and scrambled eggs. Really tasty. Anyone have any thoughts about fish?
  18. I made the scrambled eggs (with a difference) the way the chef made them today. The ingredients I used were eggs, salt and ghee. They were yummy!
  19. Hi again Bob. I just watched a couple of Dave Mac videos. Thanks again for informing me about him. So much of what he said he experienced before his carnivore break through rings true for me. It is motivating hearing him. Here's to my change! I can do this! In fact, I am doing this! Namaste
  20. Wonderful. Thank you Steven. I will take a look soon.
  21. Thank you for the information Bob. I am going to check Dave Mac out now. All sorts of things are going on! Aches, spots..... plus happiness and more energy!!
  22. So I ate many eggs again today. This time with Ghee! They were lovely. I am pleased to say that I am still here and sticking to it on my second week in!!
  23. I ate more fried eggs today and really enjoyed them. I probably cooked my best yet. I finally worked out how to cook the whites fully thanks to a YouTube chef!
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