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  1. I'm still going strong here...Like I mentioned, my knees are in pretty rough shape and my shoulders were pretty fragile. Range of motion in both were pretty limited. Within a week of starting, both knees and shoulders started aching, but differently than the sharp pain I was used to. Then, and again, I hate to sound crazy here, they just got better. I can stretch my arms above my head without hesitation, I can reach that itch in the middle of my back without thinking about it. I think I'm adjusting being less broken. My collarbones are sore; my knees don't hurt as much but some pain has spread up to my thighs and down to my calves. I think I'm using muscles and tendons that I've not had to use in a long time, they are tight and weak. I'm adjusting to not limping while walking. Keep it up and let me know the little things you notice. Talking with other people who see similar improvements helps me feel a little less nuts.
  2. Retired military-type here. I had always managed reasonable fitness, at least enough to not get into trouble, but my weight and general broken-ness seemed to increase with age and I just assumed this was the natural course of things. I'm 5'10" and was hovering at around 200 lbs when I started a keto-like diet and changed my workouts while on a deployment. It worked, I dropped 20 lbs and was able to mostly maintain for the rest of my career. This "maintenance" still incorporated a lot of plants, as well as a no-holds cheat day once a week or so. After retirement, I suppose I slacked off a bit and the weight started creeping up again, joint pains increased, and, in retrospect, my mental health was probably not ideal. I was starting to get desperate a little over a year ago and tried some fasting. I did one week with water only, and it had amazing results as far as my mental clarity and general mood, and it made the transition to eating only one meal a day really easy which also helped me maintain. I still had problems though, I'd damage something (shoulders are bad, occasional muscle strain, etc) every couple of months while working out, and by the end of last year, my knees were getting so bad that I felt like it was time to start that medical spiral of surgeries and eventual replacement. I abruptly decided to switch to meat only around the middle of January, no doubt subtly influenced by various youtube videos or other social media, but with some apprehension as well, as there are just as many videos out there telling me I'm straight up murdering myself by doing this. I told myself I would try it for 2 weeks, just to see how I felt. I was a week into it when I picked up Dr. Shawn Baker's book and that helped allay some of my concerns. So here I am, end of February and still sticking with it. It's freaking magical; had I found a drug that has this kind of general effect on everything from my mood to my various aches and pains, I would be a junky. My insomnia is fixed, I'm starting to work out again and don't feel like I'm going to break something. People who I see fairly infrequently ask why I look different. I'm not anxious or angry. Really, my only problem is that I feel like I may appear crazy; I want to tell everyone that I've found something supernatural and I know how that would look. So instead of shouting from the rooftops, I'll post here for now. Nice to meet you all!
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