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Dan o

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    dan o

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  1. Wow. I thought a total cholesterol of 315 was extreme. Just received a text from my doctor who recommends I see a digestive health specialist. I will make that appointment. Hopefully we can agree on a path forward that doesn't require statins. I don't want to give up on the carnivore diet because in the 5 months I'v been on it, amazing transformation. I am open to modifying my diet with a few carbs,maybe a bagel with my morning coffee. I'm glad there is a site like this to counter balance the statin pushing crowd. I didn't mention my age. I am in my mid 70s ,very healthy and active and taking no medications. Thanks Dan
  2. That was my next question. Can you be on statins while on the carnivore diet? If once on statins,are you locked in and unable to stop taking them? Have you heard of anyone else having a total cholesterol of 315 ? Any advice how to lower cholesterol and remain carnivore? I apologize for all the questions. Thanks again. Dan
  3. I have been on the carnivore diet 5 and a half months.I feel great and have lost 25 lbs.The downside is that I had my cholesterol results today, Total 315. HDL is 59 and triglycerides are good-145. I would like reduce total cholesterol without stations and also staying on my carnivore diet. If anyone else has faced this problem,I would be interested to hear how you dealth with it. Thanks DAN
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