Two years ago I did eight months of strict carnivore, absolutely no cheating, and tested my blood glucose several times throughout the day. I was pretty strictly keto prior to that.
Shortly after a meal (any meal -- eggs, steak, seafood), I would briefly hit 130-140 before coming back down quickly. Without exception, I tested every morning as soon as I came downstairs to make breakfast. I was fasted when I tested (8 hours or so, just fasting while sleeping). The lowest number in that period was 88, the highest was 105, and I was almost always 99-101. I know about the dawn phenomenon.
But, reading about and watching other carnivores online, I've seen many consistently post blood glucose levels in the 70-80 range. I know the body can convert protein into glucose, and I lift weights 5x a week and stay very active, so I eat a large amount of protein. During the pure carnivore days I was eating meat or eggs 5-6x a day. My lowest blood sugar results, in the mid 80s, came after very long arduous heavy ruck sessions in the hills behind my house.
I have since moved to a non-carnivore diet, although I am still primarily meat-based. I am eating less than 1/4 cup of greens and black olives with my morning eggs, an avocado with lunch (with steak), and my pre-workout is 1/3 cup of oats, blueberries, and a small handful of pecans. That's it. For dinner I'm back to one or two steaks, or several fish fillets and shrimp, etc.
My blood glucose levels are still almost 101 first thing in the morning. So even with the addition of carbs, albeit minimal amounts by SAD standards, my blood glucose seems to remain steady. Perhaps I "trend high" although I'm not sure that's a thing.
I am contemplating going back to strict carnivore, or at the very least getting back into ketosis and remaining there for a while.
Just curious if anyone has experienced these sorts of glucose levels on carnivore, a diet that is literally devoid of sugar of any kind.....