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  1. Thank you ok sounds like the transition may be about to kick in. I’ll keep going
  2. Thank you, yes I suspect the first 3 weeks my diet didn’t include sufficient fat. Hopefully now that’s being addressed energy levels will increase. I’ll do as you suggest and keep going for 90 days and review then. Many thanks
  3. I’m 4 weeks into carni, I’m eating heaps of butter with my coffee and with every meal, sticking religiously to only eggs and meat, with a little cheese. I thought I’d got through the intense midday fatigue last week but it’s back with a vengeance. I can literally fall asleep while talking to someone in the middle of the day! It’s awful! I’m worried that this might not be normal? Thank you for your help
  4. Thank you so much for all this info, it’s incredibly helpful. I’ve now reduced my overall protein and increased fat big time. I make my own meatballs with beef mince, cheddar cheese, bacon and egg
  5. Thank you, I’ve started adding butter to my coffee… it’s absolutely delicious! Great idea, thanks
  6. Thank you, yes my rash is getting better, and my stomach is feeling soooo much better, with no acid reflux. I’ve increased my fat intake and am loving it!
  7. Hi all thank you so much for your replies. I feel much more informed now. I went into this without doing the research I should have done I decided to try carni because I’d heard it was good to get rid of inflammation. I had my gall bladder out nearly 40 years ago, and since then I’ve had no end of gastro problems. I’ve been on medication for years because of it, but the drugs are not working as well anymore and I started to take loads of Gaviscon. An endoscopy 4 weeks ago revealed gastritis, which explained all the discomfort. I started carni just over 3 weeks ago, jumped into it overnight from a normal English diet (I’m in the UK) and amazingly my gastritis symptoms have all but disappeared. Its incredible! feeling very encouraged to keep on going now, but I’ll work on getting the fat/protein balance right! thank you so much
  8. Three weeks in and I’ve just noticed an itchy red rash on my neck. Having done some digging this evening, think I may be having too much protein and not enough fat. id be very grateful for advice on how to make sure I’m getting sufficient fat, but not overdose on protein. I read that a woman should only eat 50g max protein per day, but I’ve been eating much much more than this, and now I’m panicking, as too much protein can be fatal! I weigh 64kgs, 60 years old and fairly fit. I eat four eggs and bacon for breakfast, often meatballs and a cold chopped up steak for lunch, then another steak for dinner. I think I know the answer to the question Am I eating too much protein, but I don’t know how to eat enough to feel full, but cutting down on the meat. Any advice from experienced carpi’s will be very much appreciated, thank you
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