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  1. Geezy, You are correct at this point in time.....BUT you know the government statements are priliminary.....and maybe not so scientific as with Covid 19. If any vius is in the blood we can get it, UNLESS we overcook all of our meat beyond what is normal for most of us. I like medium rare that is a little bloody, and liver almost rare but as you say maybe cook it well done or above 165 degrees......anything pasturized food is ok towards this virus at this point....BUT is that the Carnivore way? I am 77 and have Cancer (2nd) and have had 3 pnemonias in the near past yrs. I am not so sure Carnivore does all of what you feel? Maybe maybe not for all of us. YES, I am a bit worried about this virus ..... I lived in Thailand for years while this virus was just beginning...it felt the same as Covid19 which we had not seen before and then the goverment went wild culling all the birds. At that time it also came from China.....and of course suppressed as best they could. At that time people were also effected but not cattle as it seems here in the USA. Most viruses mutate over time. So lets see what the future scientific research says?
  2. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00201-2......check this also concerning Bird Flu and the possible spread to others, etc.
  3. check this article about bird flu and Carnivoe Eating......https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-01333-9
  4. Geezy, All you said is partly correct. I know before you said that you eat your own food....on your farm or land. (Great for you...but most of us eat whats avaliable from the supposed stores) Bird Flu has gone from infecting wild birds to domestic chickens and others. Then it infected mammals.......dairy cattle and is at this time is in dairy cattle....so how is it external? They are testing the meat cattle now. It seems to be in their blood and we all are mammals. Whats next? It has now started to mutate from cattle into humans....that is a little scary for me being Carnivore. Eggs ,chicken, milk, cheese......etc. For it to mutate into mammals from birds is scary. They have found it in milk which at this point is only partially found.....which cannot cause this flu. And this shows to me it is in the blood (mutations) as we are all mammals. Will this be like the Covid Research in the future? Most flu's start to mutate infecting other species , like humans. That is the why I am unsure about all of this. Truth and lies are mixed together in the name of money. My intuition is not that accurate to see the difference. Any feedback?
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/news/usda-testing-ground-beef-bird-194134024.html Check this article out from yahoo on our meat supply concerning the Bird Flu. True or False from government? Wait and see. Lets hope it is correct and the meat supply will not be affected. Does it mean ground beef is heated in any way? Anyone know truly about our eggs? Pigs? Etc. Everything we eat daily. Do we really need to over cook our meats in the future just to be safe? If anyone knows for sure about any of this please reply. robert3322
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