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Nowler last won the day on September 2 2024

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    Mostly Carnivore

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  1. How much do you reckon it cost you to fire that grill up for your steak? Cheap to run?, or is it just worth it for the taste? I'm going to get one when I move to a place that has a garden.
  2. Ooooh... That looks nice! Pork rinds? I might need to try this at some point!
  3. Good luck with the surgery bud!
  4. Yeah I should do more fasts! Ive done some in the past and it's always felt good - Ive never made it to 2 days though.
  5. The joys of getting older eh! I remember when I used to find old people skin gross! Now I watch my own skin age I'm only 37 though, so I still have a bit of that plump look left - for now. I try to stay on top of my hydration and since I rarely drink sodas for many years I reckon I'm better hydrated than most! (if I stay away from coffee that is) Congrats to you too bud. At 165lbs and 6' do you reckon that's where you're happy to stay? I mean, you cant really have much left to lose if your 6 foot 165!?
  6. Yeah, I've read about on autophagy and I know it's fantastic in regards to recycling old and damaged cells, which in itself is great, especially the anti-cancer aspect. I do expect autophagy will help with some lose skin, but I just wasnt expecting to see it so soon. I'm only down 50lbs of the near 200lbs I want to lose. I should look about more into Dr Jason Fung to see if I can get a better picture of how much weight his patients that experienced no significant loose skin lost. Congrats on your weight loss too buddy! And the loss of the man cans! Fingers crossed I can lose mine too, haha! But sure! Thanks for the advice! I have been getting more and more active slowly, but I should get back to some weight training. I bought a bench and some neat adjustable dumbells, so I have what I need to build some lean mass. Just need to pull my finger out of my butt.
  7. So quick update: I weighed myself the other day and I was now down to 358lbs (down 52lbs since April), which surprised me a bit, but it's a good surprise to have. Probably in part due to the minor surgery and lack of food at the hospital I have however already noticed that the lowest point of my belly is already showing signs of loose skin! And I still have a lot of weight to lose yet, so I think I might have a crazy amount of lose skin. Hopefully it tightens up a bit as I have been lose fat at a decent rate... I know I am going to have lose skin issues, but if I can limit it then I'd feel better. Anyone got tips on reducing chances of lose skin?
  8. Sorry to hear you feel like crap bud. What's done is dont though! As long as you are back to eating right again then you are back on the winners path again. No road is a straight line
  9. I decided that I didn't want to cook today and instead treated myself to an Afghan mixed grill (takeaway). It's was delicious! Hopefully there wasn't many uninvited inflammatory passengers in the food
  10. At least it was carnivore/keto food. So as far as slip ups go, it could have been far worse. You got this!
  11. No, that's not what I mean Maybe it's the pain meds warping my ability to communicate. I was wondering if people on carnivore experience LESS swelling due to the diet.
  12. Why am I sensing negative vibes from this post? Cheese, pork ribs, eggs, hot sauce, beef, bacon... sounds like a win to me!
  13. Thanks for the reply mate, and sorry to hear about your NMO/SD. Though that's great that your inflammation issues have gone! Since posting this I remembered that I have fluid retention on both my legs (my socks make big impressions on my legs, no matter how loose), with it being particularly bad in my right leg where I had the DVT a few years back and it damaged the vessel in the leg, resulting in the fluid build up. So I guess if my earlier logic was correct, then I wouldnt be seeing so much fluid retention in the leg either. I guess even something as amazing as ketosis/carnivore diet has it's limits
  14. Anyone know if being on carnivore/keto diet translates to an significant change in how much or how long we swell for? I had an Epigastric (I believe) Hernia repair on Sunday and I was thinking that maybe I wouldn't swell up as much, or at least would not swell for as long as I would if not in ketosis. My assumption was based on how frequently I pee/expel fluid when on keto and how susceptible I am to dehydration as a result. From my POV, my stomach is still pretty swollen, but it's possible that it's due to me aggravating it due to moving around and doing things. Any insight?
  15. 5 egg omelette with bacon and grated cheddar cheese enjoyed with a bit of soft garlic cheese .
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