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  1. Well, it makes sense if the clinic involved is not funded by, say, Big Pharma, and therefore has no money to spend on the trial. We are donating all of our time and effort to make the study work, and the participant gets to know if they are nutritonally adequate on their current diet without paying any medical fees to order the tests. That is all we can offer without funding.
  2. Here is the website for the overall practice that is currently up, with my private practice site in the (too long) remodeling phase: https://www.vitalitymedicine.org/ Apologies for the lack of intro! So a bit of background: I have over 20 years of experience treating severe GI disorders and have prescribed a version of the carnivore diet (SIBO intro diet, animal products only) for over a decade, usually very successfully, in practice. When I recommend it, I get significant pushback and logical questions such as "How do I know that I am getting all of my vitamins and minerals from this diet?" Well, there is no actual research that I can find that even begins to answer this question. There are opinion pieces like this: Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity (lww.com) There are diet and symptom surveys and positions of concern like this: Limitations of Self-reported Health Status and Metabolic Markers among Adults Consuming a “Carnivore Diet” - PMC (nih.gov) but I find nothing about vitamin and mineral adequacy that actually looks at real patient samples to see if said vitamins and minerals are there, compared to those on a 'normal' diet. As you may know, standard lab testing generally does not assess most nutritional markers. Thus, this simple study uses a lab designed for the purpose. All we want to do is run this blood test on people who have been on a 90% or more Carnivore diet for 6 months or more (and who have NOT taken any supplements) and see what vitamins, minerals and amino acids are present in the samples. We are not looking at health outcomes or opinions on how either diet 'makes you feel'. Those are valid questions but are beyond our capacity to test. We are comparing the data to age and gender-matched controls on the 'darling diet' of the nutrition world, the Blue Zones Mediterranian diet, and comparing the results to the 'average' adequacy standards set by the lab. I would like to be able to tell my patients this information, so we are testing it ourselves. Please let us know if you are interested in the study! THANKS! Sally
  3. Excellent! I understand your concerns, there is a lot of weird out there... It would be very helpful to have links to these resources as I find a lot of chatter and opinion but not a lot of science on the topic! Apologies if these have already been put out there, I am new to the site. As I said, we are using the Cell Science Micronutrient Test (Assay). Here is a link to the company: ALCAT Test | Food Intolerance Test | Food Sensitivity | Cell Science Systems We have asked the company to provide discounted or free tests for our subjects, and they are 'getting back to us'. We are open to other tests as well, the study is in the design phase at this time. Also, constructive opinions welcome. Also, support from anyone more experienced in clinical research also welcome. I am a doctor, not a researcher! Yes, my website is currently being remodeled. Thanks! Sally
  4. Hello, our clinic does a lot of nutritional counseling and we want to give current, relevant, accurate advice without bias! We are looking for volunteers for a (we think groundbreaking) pilot study comparing nutrient adequacy (using Cell Science Systems Micronutrient Assay, a simple blood test) between the Carnivore diet and the Mediterranian diet (as a control). We simply want to know objectively if either or both of these diets provide the baseline nutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids) needed to maintain a healthy human body. We are not testing cholesterol. Subjects need to be on either diet for 6 months at 90% or more consistency and willing to fill out a health survey and diet questionnaire. Results will be published and discussed at an integrative medical convention in Spring, 2025. (Organizer has no bias or belief system regarding either diet!) The test costs $200, and while we are looking for funding to cover test costs, (anyone have an idea?) at this time lab test cost is the responsibility of the subject and is paid directly to the lab. Contact Mountain Apple Medicine, Hawaii for more info. ALOHAatDOCSALLYNDdotCOM. THANKS!
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