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    Tdyer07 reacted to Scott F. in 5 Days in on Carnivore Diet with Prior Major Health issues   
    I'm eating meats, salt and water. The variety I get is because my wife is not digging the carnivore approach. I try to stay heavy on the red fatty meats and my variety comes when she can't/won't do red meats that night. Lat night was grilled salmon and shrimp.
    I have an autoimmune disease called NMO/SD, really similar to Multiple Sclerosis, but it attacks the eyes. The lesions and infusions are really similar. I do feel like I do better on red meats than other meats. After about three to four weeks I no longer needed my pain or inflammation (gabapentin and prednisone since 2018)
    Like Bob said, try to cook/prepare the same meats in different ways. I like burger but a lot of times I grind my own adding more fat. Instead of a 73/27 burger I go 60/40 and even made some 50/50 burgers. I liked them a lot but it might be too much for some. I grill them at times, pan fry them in a skillet and sometimes I make it lot taco meat and add cheese/eat it out of a bowl. 
    As of late I have been on beef riblets (Sam's Club) and they are now my new 'go to'. They are fatty, cook rather quickly/easily, and taste amazing. I then keep the bones and make a bone broth to drink or cook with at a later time. 
    Another route is youtube. It seems like there a million carnivore recipes on there. I have planned to build a carnivore pizza for the longest but can't ever seem to get that done.
    Best of luck with the new approach. Thoughts and prayer to you and yours.
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    Tdyer07 reacted to Bob in 5 Days in on Carnivore Diet with Prior Major Health issues   
    Welcome aboard @Tdyer07
    I can relate to the broken ankle. I did one of those last year. 
    My basic way of "changing things up" is to rotate what I eat or how I prepare them. For example, ground beef can be made loose like taco filling, or made into meatballs, meatloaf, burger patties, etc. I try not to have it the same way twice in a row, lol. I will also alternate ground beef with actual steak, chicken, fish, shrimp, etc. I like eggs and a breakfast meat. I will alternate bacon with sausage, and will also rotate between scrambled, over easy, omelet, and more.
    I do include cheese though. There's a ton of carnivore tricks and recipes you can incorporate using cheese.
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    Tdyer07 got a reaction from Miranda in 5 Days in on Carnivore Diet with Prior Major Health issues   
    Hello all! I'm a 50 year old female, who is dealing with a LOT of medical issues. Oct of last year, I was diagnosed with HER2+ stage 4 breast cancer (which meant it has spread from the breast, to my ribs, spine and a lesion on my liver).  I had 5 radiation treatments, and did 4 months of chemo.  During the middle of this, I slipped and fell and broke my ankle. This in turn, caused me to have a pulmonary embolism. I also was just diagnosed with type2 diabetes and high cholesterol, and have massive muscle inflammation in my upper chest and back, they think, because of the chemo/radiation treatments. I've been in PT since last year 2x a week, with little improvement.  I am on about 11 medications a day, along with an internal pain pump placed in my lower abdomen.  I still have to get regular infusions every 3 weeks, to block the protein responsible for the initial breast cancer mass.  Along with the side effects of regular chemo (loss of hair everywhere, sores in the mouth, and absolute GI roller-coasters), I have gained about 40 lbs. due to steroids and medication that causes appetite increased.  I'm looking for a community where I can discuss common struggles, for anyone else who's been diagnosed with anything I have, that have managed to reverse it, would be a great start.  I am at the end of what I feel like I have available to try, with out going on more medications, and I just want to be able to have some energy, be able to move around better, and walk more than to the mailbox with out being in such pain, all I can do is sit. Thank you for allowing me to open up, and hopefully I will get some great feedback and support here.  
    I am doing a very strict carnivore diet, no dairy, carbs, or sugar.  So far I am doing great with it, but I'm looking for ideas to change things up, and just find someone else to talk with during the first month or so as it becomes more difficult to maintain. 
  4. Like
    Tdyer07 got a reaction from Bob in 5 Days in on Carnivore Diet with Prior Major Health issues   
    Hello all! I'm a 50 year old female, who is dealing with a LOT of medical issues. Oct of last year, I was diagnosed with HER2+ stage 4 breast cancer (which meant it has spread from the breast, to my ribs, spine and a lesion on my liver).  I had 5 radiation treatments, and did 4 months of chemo.  During the middle of this, I slipped and fell and broke my ankle. This in turn, caused me to have a pulmonary embolism. I also was just diagnosed with type2 diabetes and high cholesterol, and have massive muscle inflammation in my upper chest and back, they think, because of the chemo/radiation treatments. I've been in PT since last year 2x a week, with little improvement.  I am on about 11 medications a day, along with an internal pain pump placed in my lower abdomen.  I still have to get regular infusions every 3 weeks, to block the protein responsible for the initial breast cancer mass.  Along with the side effects of regular chemo (loss of hair everywhere, sores in the mouth, and absolute GI roller-coasters), I have gained about 40 lbs. due to steroids and medication that causes appetite increased.  I'm looking for a community where I can discuss common struggles, for anyone else who's been diagnosed with anything I have, that have managed to reverse it, would be a great start.  I am at the end of what I feel like I have available to try, with out going on more medications, and I just want to be able to have some energy, be able to move around better, and walk more than to the mailbox with out being in such pain, all I can do is sit. Thank you for allowing me to open up, and hopefully I will get some great feedback and support here.  
    I am doing a very strict carnivore diet, no dairy, carbs, or sugar.  So far I am doing great with it, but I'm looking for ideas to change things up, and just find someone else to talk with during the first month or so as it becomes more difficult to maintain. 
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